The new Bali x30 server launched on September 26th at 18:00!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

New quests 10.02.25
New quests - MU Bless Online

Long-awaited new quests have been added to the game! Players will once again venture into the dangerous Swamp of Peace, but this time for a full monster cleanup. You will also get to participate in the events Devias Fortress and Castle Deep.

Some quests will take place in Raklion, where battles with monsters will truly present a serious challenge for players.

In the grand finale, during quest 419, you will have to face Medusa! The full list of quests and rewards can be found here.

Wishing everyone exciting adventures!

The second video in our series of class guides about Dark Knight was released on YouTube. Guides for other classes are released every week, so stay tuned and don't miss the new episodes!
Welcome to Raklion! - MU Bless Online

The game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update through the Launcher. To receive the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher, and restart it. If you experience issues with auto-updating, you can manually download and install the Patcher — it should be extracted into the client folder, replacing all suggested files. All game windows must be closed during the update.

The icy expanses of Raklion are now open to our players. Prepare for harsh challenges and battles with truly strong monsters. This location will primarily be used for completing quests and R-quests. This spring, the Raklion Hatchery event will launch, giving you a chance to fight Selupan in his lair.

You can enter Raklion through the passage in Snowstorm Devias. Special conditions apply in this location:
  • Damage in PvP against characters is set to 25%.
  • HP Potions drinking speed is reduced — no more than one potion every 5 seconds.
These changes will significantly increase the difficulty of monster battles and introduce new tactical elements to PvP fights.

The main boss of the location is Napules. He has a variable respawn time of up to 15 hours. He can drop up to three items at once:
  • Excellent sets: Grand Soul, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Divine, Thunder Hawk, and Glorious (already enhanced to +11).
  • Additional rewards: Green Ribbon Box, Shard of Condor, and CC Box.
Information about all monsters and their drops will appear later in our library, but first, we want players to explore the new location on their own. We wish you exciting adventures!

Due to popular demand, we have changed the timer for the /gift command — it now resets at midnight.

Sea Shogun now has a fixed respawn time and an alert before its appearance. Its guards now respawn simultaneously with the boss.

And most importantly: next week, the long-awaited continuation of the main questline will begin. Get ready for a new race among questers!

A new informative video about the Elf class has been released in our series of class guides on YouTube. Guides for other classes are released every week, so stay tuned and don't miss the new episodes!
Happy upcoming holidays! - MU Bless Online

Dear players, the entire MU Bless Online team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the upcoming holidays bring you happiness, good health, and countless joyful moments. Thank you for being part of our community!

As part of the New Year's program, as usual, the Christmas location Santa Village opens. There, in addition to the usual drop, you can now find Snowman Shield for noobs, the Excellent version of which can be crafted on the website. Its options will only work in winter, while the Christmas location is open. And in Devias you can now meet Rudolph.

Snowman Shield for all classes - excellent version created from 3x Snowman Shield, has an additional option: Gain +300 HP, AG, Mana and Defense when it's winter time. For crafting, you will need 10x Gemstones.

According to the established annual tradition, we are launching a New Year with Bless 2025 contest with prizes up to 600 web bon. The contest will last until January 4, hurry to participate!
Boss updates and more - MU Bless Online

New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all the suggested files. During the update, all game windows should be closed.

In Bless Arena, every day at 15:00 there will now be an invasion of new bosses: Gods Awaken. Within 15 minutes, you will need to fight Fennu Degongi, Tai Lung, Fieri Kenshi, God Shao Feng and God Luo Bao in turn. Bosses give from 15 to 100 Bless Arena Points, and there is also a chance to get Shards of Condor and boxes: Violet, Kundun +5, Pink Mistery and Green Ribbon.

Asteroth now has 4 guards who will stun everyone who comes close. Points for guards 12, for Asteroth 250. Also, in addition to Blue Ribbon, up to 5 Violet Mistery boxes can now drop from Asteroth. Information on points for each BA boss will soon appear in our encyclopedia of monsters.

Hunt for Magic Treasure! Every day at a defined time, you can go in search of a treasure chest filled with various loot: from gold and jewels to kunduns and shards. The chest can contain up to 7 items at a time. Chest spawn schedule: 7:20 Noria, 9:20 Lorencia, 11:20 Devias, 13:20 Jungle Noria, 15:20 Ruined Lorencia, 17:20 Snowstorm Devias, 19:20 Elbeland, 21:20 Crywolf, 23:20 Swamp of Peace. Chests do not attack, they are quite easy to kill, so your only task is to find the chest before everyone else.

The Loren Deep event has been moved from 17:00 to 16:00 to avoid the siege time on Bali. Also, in addition to Zaikan and Erohim, you can now encounter Bali and Soldier at the event, and the experience for killing monsters has been increased from 10x to 15x.

Now, when a castle is captured by a guild with an alliance (capture after two successful defenses), the following bosses will immediately spawn on the server: Zaikan, Illusion of Kundun, Erohim, Relics of Kundun, Death Dealer, Rusthand, Ice Warrior, Elder Dragon, Condor Beast, Medusa, Eurale, Pyerlord Unchained, Ancient Lord (E), Ancient Lord (D), Ancient Lord (C), Ancient Lord (B), Ancient Lord (A), Stadium God, Bali the Conqueror. Also, during the first week, while the castle is held by a guild with an alliance, the respawn of bosses will be accelerated by 30%: Erohim, Relics of Kundun, Medusa, Eurale, Ancient Lord (B), Ancient Lord (A), Stadium God. Thus, if someone has been sitting in the castle for too long, the entire server will now have the motivation to throw them out.

On all servers, during a siege, 25 points are now given for destroying a statue or gate. On new servers, where 3 lots are working, an additional 5 points are given for destroying Canon Tower and 1 point for killing a member of the enemy team.

The formula for calculating the strength of your character to determine CC Level has been updated. The influence of Power Buff has been significantly reduced, the new formula now looks like this: CC Level = (Stats / 100 + Power Buff / 2 + Equip Level / 2) / 10. You can see your CC Level in your character information on the website, and you can see the floor requirements here.

The damage of two-handed swords for warriors has been increased: Healical Sword, Dark Breaker, Daybreak, Daikatana, Hero's Greatsword, Mythos Greatsword, Claymore of Dimitar, Duranium Greatsword, Nightmare's Bane, Spirit Sword, and two-handed swords for gladiators: Thunder Blade, Rune Blade, Dark Reign Blade, Sword of Betrayal, Bloodreaver, Greatsword of Atlantis, Phantom Greatsword, Azure Dragon Greatsword, Doombringer. Also, when a two-handed weapon is equipped, the attack radius of Twisting Slash is now increased by 1 cell.

Wings of 3, 4 and 5 levels can now be equipped from level 180. Also fixed a bug when wings with options required a higher level than the specified one.

After each siege, the last gate and statue will now be automatically repaired. Thus, there will be no more sieges when access to the throne room is immediately open.

Fixed the Anti-AFK system on TDM. There will be no more false positives and you will no longer be thrown out of the event. All AFKs will be recorded in a notebook for subsequent punishment.

Removed the weekly tax on storing Zen on the website. Now you can safely keep all your money in the virtual bank.

The effect of active VIP and Power Buff on guild prestige has been doubled: from 25 to 50.

The following monsters have been added to the list of epic bosses that Dragonbone Blade and Dragon Crystal Staff deal additional damage to: Medusa, Condor Beast, Slaanesh, Darion, Ice King, Stadium God, Ancient Lord (A).
Easy start for new players - Bali - MU Bless Online

Bali x30 server opened its doors two months ago, and if you missed the opening, now is the perfect time to start playing and enter the Hall of Fame.

Easy start: all new characters upon creation now will receive a +25% experience buff for 30 days and 1000 stat points. The first 5 resets can be done already at 340 level!

Additionally, we've added a one-off discount on a VIP account - if you have never purchased VIP, then at the first purchase it will cost you 300 web bonuses instead of 500 for 30 days.
New shields and drop changes - MU Bless Online
New top-grade shields for each class have been added to the game. Stormwing for warriors, Dark Devil for wizards, Rune Light for elves, Magic Knight for gladiators and Ambition for lords. Items have already been added to the game drop from the Green Mistery Box, as well as to the lottery.

The drop from the top boxes has been updated. All shields have been moved to a lower rank in the boxes, up to the Box of Kundun+4. We have also slightly unloaded the Green Mistery Box by moving some items with low grades to lower rank boxes. You can see the updated drop in our library.

The lottery has also been changed: Mythos Greatsword, Greatsword of Atlantis, Emerland Staff, Crimson Glory Shield, Salamander Shield, Frost Barrier Shield, Guardian Shield, Cross Shield, Bone Blade, Grand Viper Staff, Sylph Wind Bow, Explosion Blade, Solay Scepter have been moved to the +12 category and will no longer reset the lottery feeding. You can see the updated lottery drops here.

Top scepters for DL had slightly reduced strength requirements, but increased energy requirements. Top shields for MG had slightly reduced energy requirements, but increased Agility requirements. Mace of the King had significantly reduced strength requirements, but added Agility and Energy requirements.
Add-ons for Chaos Castle and other - MU Bless Online

Added measures that will prevent the same player from constantly winning a certain floor of Chaos Castle. If you win on floors 1 through 5, then when you come to the next Chaos Castle, you will be sent to the floor above and so on until you find yourself on the last floor. If you win on floor 6 twice, you will no longer be able to visit Chaos Castle on this day until 24:00. On VIP and subservers, where only Violet Boxes are given as rewards, there is no limit on the number of wins per day. On floor 6, the chances of getting Shard and Flame of Condor have been improved.

At numerous requests from players, a new Chaos Castle mode has been added - where distribution by floors is not based on the strength of the characters, but is completely random. Each time CC starts, there is a 25% chance of this mode being enabled. In random mode, there is no limit on the number of wins per day, and the quality of the rewards is approximately between floor 3 and 4 of CC.

Now the main guild that owns the castle cannot break the alliance. The secondary guild still has the ability to leave if they wish.

For convenience, a short version of the /vip 1-10 command was added for teleportation to the VIP arena.

The animation of the Red Dragons has been fixed, now when they appear there should be no problems with hitting them with skills.

An Anti-AFK system has been added to TDM, if your character does not move for 60 seconds, he will be excluded from the event.

A damage counter for the training worm has been added in a test mode.

Update: On the Bali server, a limit of 1 win per day in Chaos Castle 6 is set, and the random distribution mode by floors is disabled.
Merging - Jade to Mega - MU Bless Online
The time has come when the inhabitants of Jade server go on a long-awaited journey - Jade server merges with Mega server.

Server Mega was launched in September 2022 and has similar settings to Jade server. At this moment, Mega has more than 1400 active players every day and 71 thousand characters created.

Characters that have reached 1 reset on Jade will be transferred to Mega. Your characters with items, resets, bonuses, and everything else will be moved safe and sound.

The main thing is to make sure that your account has at least one character with resets, do not store your items on characters with no resets and empty your guild vaults.

The merge will take place on Novermber 20.

Complete information about all the details of merging, instructions, and recommendations are available here.
Chaos Castle and LOTs - MU Bless Online

New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all the suggested files. During the update, all game windows should be closed.

The method of calculating equipment for distribution by levels of Chaos Castle has been updated: now all items equipped on the character are taken into account, just like in the equipment rating on the website. The trick with undressing the character before the event will no longer work. Now your character will have the best equipment that you have ever put on memorized - your maximum equipment level, this parameter will be taken into account when entering the event.

Points for the Chaos Castle rating have been updated - now you will receive from 10 to 20 points for a victory depending on the floor.

The respawn time of Shard bosses: Rusthand, Ice Warrior, Death Dealer, Elder Dragon has been reduced from 15 to 12 hours. A 50% chance to drop a shard from Medusa has been added.

All bosses with Ancient drops in Land of Trials have been replaced with Ancient Lords (E-A), where E, D, C have a random respawn, B, A are fixed.

List of bosses in Land of Trials 2 (for second place in Castle Siege): Ancient Lords (E, D, C, B), Erohim, Relics of Kundun, Bali, Soldier, Fortune Pouch (2x), White Rabbit (25x) and all standard mobs from the lot.

List of bosses in Land of Trials 3 (for third place in Castle Siege): Ancient Lords (E, D, C), Erohim, Illusion of Kundun 5, Bali, Soldier, Fortune Pouch, White Rabbit (15x) and all standard mobs from the lot.

Additional LOTS will be available as long as the bonus rewards in the Hall of Fame are enabled. When winning with an alliance, the guild will always gain access to both LOT1 and LOT3. If the alliance breaks, access to LOT3 is lost.

Each subsequent castle defense will now slow down the respawn of bosses such as Erohim, Relics of Kundun, Medusa, Eurale, Ancient Lord (B-A) by 10%. As soon as the castle changes owners, the respawn of bosses will return to standard values.

New server Bless Bali x30 is now open! Welcome and have fun!