

Here you can safely trade your items in exchange for gold coins (Zen) or game bonuses (Bonuses), so before buying a certain item you get a reliable description, so you are insured against fraud. All sales in the market are subject to 15% fees.

Wings and Orbs
Items and Pets

Found items: 3148
Shields Exc. Buckler 5 Bon
Boots Gaion Storm Crow Boots 28.75 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Dragon Slayer Shield 28.75 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Large Round Shield 28.75 kk Zen
Armors Kantata Plate Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Wings Shard of Condor 230 kk Zen
Items Red Fenrir 132 Bon
Wings Wings of Heaven 20 Bon
Wings Wings of Dragon 29 Bon
Staffs Exc. Grand Viper Staff +9 5 Bon
Shields Exc. PvP Guardian Shield +13 920 Bon
Bows Exc. PvP Great Reign Crossbow +12 115 Bon
Items Shadowmere 9,603 Bon
Shields Exc. Patrician Shield +13 1,150 Bon
Bows Exc. PvP Demon Hunter's Crossbow +13 7,475 Bon
Pants Exc. Dark Soul Pants 230 kk Zen
Maces Exc. Devilwood Branch 5 Bon
Armors Exc. Faith Armor 15 Bon
Boots Ignored Red Spirit Boots +9 230 Bon
Pants Ignored Red Spirit Pants +9 230 Bon
Gloves Ignored Red Spirit Gloves +9 230 Bon
Armors Ignored Red Spirit Armor +9 230 Bon
Helms Ignored Red Spirit Helm +9 230 Bon
Wings Jewel of Bless x30 8 Bon
Armors Spyro Thunder Hawk Armor 115 Bon
Wings Jewel of Bless x30 8 Bon
Gloves Spyro Thunder Hawk Gloves 115 Bon
Pants Spyro Thunder Hawk Pants 115 Bon
Boots Spyro Thunder Hawk Boots 115 Bon
Swords Exc. Storm Breaker +13 139 Bon
Staffs Exc. Imperial Staff +11 46 Bon
Boots Exc. Faith Boots 15 Bon
Helms Exc. Grand Soul Helm 287.5 kk Zen
Pants Exc. Titan Pants 35 Bon
Helms Exc. Titan Helm 40 Bon
Other 2,539 WBonuses 11,500 Bon
Other Lost Map +7 287.5 kk Zen
Wings Jewel of Soul x30 8 Bon
Wings Jewel of Soul x30 8 Bon
Wings Jewel of Soul x30 1.15 kkk Zen
Staffs Wild Staff of Destruction 345 kk Zen
Wings Jewel of Life x30 9 Bon
Wings Jewel of Chaos x30 23 Bon
Wings Jewel of Chaos x30 23 Bon
Wings Jewel of Chaos x30 23 Bon
Wings Jewel of Creation x30 58 Bon
Boots Exc. Dark Phoenix Boots +13 3,450 Bon
Gloves Exc. Dark Phoenix Gloves +13 3,450 Bon
Pants Exc. Dark Phoenix Pants +13 3,450 Bon
Armors Exc. Dark Phoenix Armor +13 3,450 Bon

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme