Категория |
Предмет |
Продавец |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
420 Bon |
Other |
Pink Chocolate Box |
167 Bon |
Staffs |
Exc. Chaos Great Staff +15 |
12 Zen |
Items |
Exc. Pendant of Ability |
70 Bon |
Other |
500 WBonuses
863 Bon |
Other |
500 WBonuses
863 Bon |
Other |
500 WBonuses
863 Bon |
Wings |
Wings of Spirit +10 |
46 Bon |
Pants |
Exc. Faith Pants |
40 Bon |
Armors |
Exc. Spirit Armor +11 |
29 Bon |
Armors |
Exc. Dark Master Armor +12 |
1,380 Bon |
Boots |
Exc. Dark Master Boots +10 |
1,380 Bon |
Pants |
Exc. Dark Master Pants +11 |
1,380 Bon |
Helms |
Exc. Dark Master Helm +11 |
1,380 Bon |
Gloves |
Exc. Dark Master Gloves +13 |
1,380 Bon |
Items |
Feather of Condor |
506 Bon |
Staffs |
Exc. Platina Wing Staff +12 |
288 Bon |
Swords |
Exc. Wyvern's Bonespike +13 |
690 Bon |
Swords |
Exc. Obsidian Blade +13 |
575 Bon |
Shields |
Exc. Dark Legendary Shield |
345 kk Zen |
Staffs |
Exc. Imperial Staff +7 |
575 kk Zen |
Armors |
Exc. Plate Armor |
17 Bon |
Bows |
Exc. Tiger Bow |
9.42 kk Zen |
Helms |
Emp Spirit Helm |
28.75 kk Zen |
Wings |
Jewel of Soul x10 |
230 kk Zen |
Items |
Blood Bone +7 |
92 kk Zen |
Items |
Scroll of Archangel +7 |
92 kk Zen |
Wings |
Jewel of Creation x10 |
16 Bon |
Gloves |
Exc. Eclipse Gloves |
21 Bon |
Wings |
Jewel of Life x30 |
15 Bon |
Wings |
Jewel of Life x30 |
15 Bon |
Swords |
Exc. Obsidian Blade +10 |
200 Bon |
Swords |
Exc. Sword of Archangel +11 |
40 Bon |
Pants |
Aces Eclipse Pants +11 |
1,725 Bon |
Armors |
Aces Eclipse Armor +11 |
1,725 Bon |
Boots |
Aces Eclipse Boots +11 |
1,725 Bon |
Gloves |
Exc. Eclipse Gloves +13 |
1,725 Bon |
Helms |
Exc. Eclipse Helm +13 |
1,725 Bon |
Staffs |
Exc. Crystal Staff |
49 Bon |
Helms |
Exc. Spirit Helm |
5 Bon |
Boots |
Fase Silk Boots |
28.75 kk Zen |
Items |
Scroll of Archangel +7 |
80.5 kk Zen |
Gloves |
Exc. Red Spirit Gloves |
23 Bon |
Wings |
Wings of Ruin +11 |
5,750 Bon |
Wings |
Shard of Condor x10 |
656 Bon |
Wings |
Jewel of Soul x30 |
15 Bon |
Wings |
Jewel of Goldsmith x30 |
253 Bon |
Swords |
Exc. Flamberge |
35 Bon |
Items |
Flame of Condor |
2,245 Bon |
Boots |
Exc. Legendary Boots +13 |
1,899 Bon |