The new Vegas x777 server took place on March 28th!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

Server rules 06.05.20
We want to remind our players about the current server rules and the mandatory need to comply with them.

It is forbidden to buy or sell anything for real money or virtual currency units equivalent to real money. You can be punished with a warning or an instant block of all seller and buyer accounts. It is only allowed to trade for Zen, Bonuses and Playpoints. We strongly recommend the use of contractual or warranty deals on our forum.

It is forbidden to use macros and any kind of programs to automate the process, in order to receive bonuses, achievement points and other personal benefits. This includes any auto-pickup variations other than the standard spacebar. In VIP / Bless Arena and Aida locations, there is now a limit on the number of items that you can throw on the ground. After 50 dropped items, you will need to return to the city to update your drop limits.

To counter afk drop farming in locations Dungeon and Snowstorm Devias, the distance from which you can pick up items in these loactions has been reduced. Now you need to be directly on the item and pick it up by hand.

Players can now purchase additional guild buff levels for Zen. All you need do to is to replenish your guild treasury and buffs will be activated automatically when enough funds are gathered. The maximum buff that you can buy is 2000, in total it will cost you 7,7 kkk Zen + 500kk vault usage fee. Buff is resetted every week after Castle Siege.

To combat AFK farm Zen, the number of Zen monsters in Dungeon was significantly reduced, and the territories of their appearance were expanded, which should randomize respawn coordinates. Sub2 now has the same Dungeon as Sub1. New Zen monster added to Snowstorm Devias: Ice Walker, Coolutin and Giant Mammoth. Now Zen monsters are scattered over a much larger area than before, which should prevent the possibility of automatic Zen collection. The total number of Zen that all Zen monsters generate remains at roughly the same level.

Now when you won a lottery prize it will remain on the ground for 5 minutes no one but you would be able to pick it up.

The population of our flagship server King x100 continues to grow rapidly, therefore we are launching Subserver 2. Along with this, the concept of how the sub-servers are arranged has changed. We take measures to maintain the most competitive environment on the main server and maintain the high value of Zen. The cost of the potion was increased, and at the beginning of next week there the long-awaited buffs for Zen will arrive.

Subserver 2 - Noobtown, only the basic locations are available: Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Dungeon, Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kalima and Snowstorm Devias. Events: Castle, Devil Square and Happy Hours. There are no Dungeon and VIP Arena bosses, Zaikans or Relics. Most of the locations are Non-PvP. The server is suitable for beginners.

Subserver 1 - Medium, all Noobtown + Kanturu and Kanturu Core locations are available. Available events: BC, DS, Happy Hour, Red Dragon Invasion, White Wizard Invasion, White Rabbit Invasion and Chaos Castle, where Flame Condor cannot be won as a reward. There are half of the bosses from Dungeon. Most of the locations are Non-PvP. The server is suitable for players who are not yet ready for end-game content.

Main server - all possible game content and all the main PvP events, top bosses and locations. Almost no Non-PvP locations. The only server where you can PK Clear in Devias. Highly competitive environment.

Detailed information the settings of each subserver is available here.

King x100 server opened its doors exactly two months ago, and if you missed the opening, now it is the perfect time to start playing and enter the Hall of Fame!

All new characters upon creation now receive a +25% experience buff for 7 days and 2000 additional stat points that will last you for the first 10 resets. Thanks to our simplified reset system, the first 50 resets can be done before level 400. The system is dynamic and every few days the level required for reset will gradually decrease. Now you can do your first reset at level 370!

Server King now has a one-off discount on a VIP account - if you have never purchased VIP, then at the first purchase it will cost you 300 bonuses instead of 500 for 30 days.

Call your friends and do not forget to use the referral reward system. You can get your referral link in your account on the website.

When your referral donates bonuses, you and your referral will receive an additional + 10% of the transfer amount, but no more than 200 bonuses per person. You can track the amount of bonuses earned from each referral in your account in the referrals section.

We are pleased to announce that King x100 world is expanding - an additional server is being launched. The server does not have most of the events and bosses, and access to some locations is limited. For the most part, the server is designed for BC / DS events and AFK leveling. Subserver should slightly offload the main server and improve the quality of the game. Detailed information can be found here.

Update: All Non-PvP locations were removed from the main server. On the subserver Non-PvP locations are now Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida and Kanturu. Hurray afkers!

Personal Stores are now disabled in Lorencia, Noria, Devias on the main server.
Spring - the most gorgeous periods of the year, if not for coronavirus.
But Bless Universe might be gorgeous nevertheless.

Spring contest on forum had started! Send your works and earn bonuses! More here.

Game client was updated. All players need to do an auto-update trough Launcher. To get auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and launch it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it has to be unzipped to the client folder, replacing all asked files.

Without this update, TDM and clicker on EE will not work properly.

Ctrl button will work now only on the active window of the game, no more unplanned kills.

Voters rating was updated, now all tops are taken into account and each of them gives +1 point for a vote. MMOTOP SMS voters rating was removed. All march winners received reward in advance. Requirements on Voter achievement notably increased.

We invite all players to join our updated Discord channel. Now it became truly useful, especially for new players.
To improve the economic situation on Extreme server, prices on all the services were set, as on our other servers.

From now on, when withdrawing bonuses on Extreme server, you receive 100% bonuses as a gift, instead of previous 40% bonuses.

New Bless King x100 server is now open! Welcome and have fun!

Due to the online record on King server, we started to expand our game world. In the next week new spots and a few new locations are expected.

Devil Square capacity extended from 15 to 20 players, Blood Castle from 10 to 15.

Stadium on King server now will be freely opened until the first siege.

The first batch of new spots was added, monsters location is here.

From the gates near Blood Castle now you can enter a new dimension and get to a new Devias. There you will find a lot of monsters with useful loot. For the present moment, entry is available only on the King world, but it will be also available on the other servers further on.

Two additional VIP Arenas with weaker monsters appeared: Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kanturu. Teleport commands are now /viparena 1, /viparena 2 and /viparena 3. There is a total of 39 spots now. Bosses can be found only in the third Arena.

Snowstorm Devias is now available on all servers, also additional White Wizard Invasion will be added there.

We tried to fix a problem with disappearing stats, after the Endless Tower, we hope that this nasty bug will no longer bother players.

Launcher text is updated and a bug, that video wasn’t playing is fixed. If you do not see text or after the start of the video in launcher you receive an error, go to Internet Explorer, press ctrl + shift + delete and delete all the browser cache.

Yeah, you heard right, we are finally giving you what you have asked for so long. First time in our project's history - server without donate shop. This means there will be no full sets, weapons, shields, jewelry, wings and reinforced pets available for sale.

Participate in our social network competition and get a chance to win 300 bonuses! The winners will be selected at random on the 18 of February, 18:00. The bonuses will be paid on the website of the project and you will be able to withdraw them on any of the servers of your choosing.

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As a shop alternative, players will get an opportunity to add Damage Decrease option on Excellent shields and rings or Excellent Damage Rate option on Excellent weapons and pendants. VIP account purchase will be available only for web-site bonuses.

Lottery assortment will be limited by weapons and shields with 5 random Excellent options without additional PvP options (200 Damage / Defence), yet they might be added to any weapon and shield or web-site.

On the King server, you will be able to create top pets: Demon, Spirit of Guardian, and Shadowmere. In addition, on all the servers a few new exclusive weapon recipes will become available.

On the new server a strong focus will be made on Zen economy: in-game Zen drops from monsters will be decreased twice, cost of important Chaos Machine combinations will increase, cost of jewels sale to shop will decrease, new in-guild Zen budget headings will appear along with web-site Zen trade stimulation by adding a new trade cells for Zen only.

On the base of gathered statistics from Destiny server, the achievement system will be updated on a new server, the most complicated achievements will be simplified, and those, which players completed too fast, will complicate a bit. In addition, guild member's achievements will not affect Guild Buff, it will be consisted only from temporary buffs: guild quests, Lords of Bless Arena, Kanturu Domination, tributes, it can be also increased for Zen.

On all the servers you will be able to attend the Endless Tower event by any party members quantity, as well as alone. New additional weekly record rewards will be added. Wave skip system will be improved and an individual Endless Tower character level, which increases when you attend an event, will be added. The higher is your level, the more stats you will get when the event starts.

There will be significant improvements in quest system rewards, more individual class rewards, some most problematic low and middle-level quests will get easier, hints for the first hundred of quests, to help new players to navigate will be available.

Balance adjustment should be expected, including the warrior's barrel change and the Attack rate of all classes adjustment. Some of Ancient sets, including the ones that have unjustifiably high Enemy’s Defense Ignore Rate attributes, will be reworked.

From today, all the registered referrals will be valid on the King server. You can get your referral link in your personal account, by logging in on any of the existing servers. So if your friends are still not with us, it is the best time to invite them to join you at the opening of our winter server.

Main facts about our project here.
Our game worlds features full list you can find here.
Detaled guide about gameplay on our servers here.

Full information about server with reset table you can find here.

Royal King x100 launch will take place on 13 february at 18:00!