The new Vegas x777 server took place on March 28th!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We have added 19 new weapons and shields for every class to the game. A complete list of all new items and their characteristics is available here.

Each class received a new top-tier one-handed weapon and shield with exceptionally high stats requirements. Third class is also mandatory to wield those. Finally, knights, wizards, and gladiators have decent two-handed weapons. Daggers have undergone changes, now they are available for all classes, they have high Agility requirements and a maximum damage spread of 1-XXX. And thanks to the new crossbow, the excellent bolts will finally become useful.

All new items have been added to the in-game drop. Some of the existing items have been moved to the lower grade box, for example, Crimson Glory Shield now drops from Blue Ribbon Box instead of Green Mistery. Detailed information about all drops in the game is available here. Non exc. versions of top-tier weapons can be crafted on the website.

All new items have been added to the lottery, some items from group 2 have moved to group 3. Now in the second group, there are 2 exclusive items for each class that cannot be bought in the shop on the website. Full information about the drop from the lottery is available here. No new items will be added to the shop on the website.

Now you can upgrade arrows and bolts using Jewels of Goldsmith. Each upgrade level will increase output damage by 1%. Arrows from the lottery now will be already upgraded to +13. When upgrading to +14 and +15 additional options will appear: Enemy’s Defense Ignore Rate +1% and +2%.

A problem when players did not receive boxes for Kanturu Domination Event has been fixed.

We would like to present you a new craft system on web-site. It is similar to the old one, but has a number of important distinctive features.

As a payment from now on 3 currencies are used: Zen + Cashpoints + Jewels simultaneously. The cost in Zen reduced almost 5 times. In case of failure, you will always lose only one item now. No more items level conditions, all from zero to +15 will fit. Upgrade level is compensated in additional currency in the form of jewels one to one.

Before a craft, you have to fuse source items into material for craft. While fusing, items are deleted from your inventory and will be available in the list of additional materials. As materials, you can store an unlimited amount of items. In order to use jewels as a craft currency, they are needed fusion as well. Jewels, that can be fused: Jewel of Chaos, Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Guardian, Harmony, Goldsmith. You cannot return an item after a fusion is made.

There is no need to choose from what exactly you want to craft now. Web-site will offer you recipes on the base of what you have in materials and show the items you can create. Operations with craft systems are processed through virtual bank, there is no need to quit the game. While you are staying on spot, you can buy necessary items from the market, throw them into smelting machines and craft without any delays.

The old craft system will stop its work after the New Year holidays. New one is available in Services > Operations with items > Craft system.

Detailed information about a new craft system here.
Dear players of our project, we want to wish every one of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We wish you all the most better and brighter, on our Bless world and beyond it. Let's hope the next year will be even more interesting and exciting.

We want to summarise the year work and to say that it was one of the most important ones in our history. Much had been achieved: new design was implemented as well as web-site engine renewed. A lot of new functionalities were added for it. For the first time autumn high-rate Destiny x1000 server was added, on which we attracted many English-speaking players. We have never launched servers on autumn before. Let's not forget about the legendary comeback of a new Titan server. It was launched just at the end of 2018, yet all it's meaningful life passed in 2019. New Endless Tower event was added. During this year, we fixed plenty of bugs and released a lot of updates, trying to make our beloved game even better.

In an upcoming year, among other things, we want to improve Team Deathmatch event and build-in clicker. Write in comments what other of our systems need rebuilding and improvement.

We launch two special events on forum:

Winter is here. Along with New Year holidays on Bless 2020 - link
Tell us about New Year 2020 - link

Also, on 31 December special gifts will await you! Follow the info on our web-site.

Thank you for being with us in this passing year. Let's meet, celebrate and spend the next year together as well!
Guild Vault 20.12.19

Guild Vault helps guild members to share items more easily. Every guild member can freely put items into the vault. When moving item into the vault, you need to specify conditions on how this item will be shared: with your personal confirmation, or it will be available to guild members whom you specify and they will be able to pick it up freely at any time. All operations with the Guild Vault are carried out through the Virtual Vault, so there is no need to leave the game. At the moment, Guild Vault can hold up to 50 items. Vault is located in Services > Operation with items > Guild Vault. At the initial stage, the use of the bank will be free, in the future, a weekly fee will be charged.
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We decided that it was time for the Chaos Machine to begin to gradually spare your nerves. Success rate for Black and Blue Fenrir increased from 80% to 100%. Violet Fenrir success rate increased from 80% to 90%. Zen cost increased. During the New Year holidays, the ingredients will remain unchanged, after which, you will be required to add a couple of jewel bundles to the mix.

Trading has become even more convenient - buying, selling and updating trading lots now happens without reloading the webpage. We continue to work to improve the effectiveness of item management on the website, and we will soon begin to implement a guild bank and an updated craft system.

We continue our work to eliminate the problems associated with the visualization of characters movements. We have added a three-second freeze time after death in Bless Arena, VIP Arena, as well as when teleporting to BA, VIP and Kanturu Domination. This will prevent invisible character from moving until the client is loaded. This is of course a temporary solution. We will try to find an opportunity to optimize game client so that there would be no need for such methods.

We have updated the rules on how characters interact with monsters. Now, using dashes, thrusts or other methods of alternative movement, your character in most scenarios will no longer be able to appear inside a monster. The problem with being inside a monster was that you could not be chosen as a target for an attack.

Endless Tower visit limit now resets at midnight. With the command /et or /et nickname you now check yours and somebody else’s visit limits.

Once again we need to return to the topic of PK restrictions and decide what measures we can take to prevent uncontrolled and senseless mass kills from AFK, without harming the good true PvP. As one of the measures – now when gaining 250 kills as Phonoman, you will no longer be able to kill other players until you pk clear.
Virtual Vault 27.11.19
Virtual Vault allows you to store your items on the website and trade with other players without leaving the game. Now, in order to put an item up for sale, first you need to move it to your Virtual Vault. When buying items from the market, they will also go into your Virtual Vault. For example, you want to put up for sale several items at once: Helm, Sword, Pants, Boots, Staff. To do this, you need to exit the game, move these items to your Virtual Vault in one motion, after which you can return to the game. In the market section, you will be putting up items for sale already from your Virtual Vault, while being in the game. Updating lots on the market can now be done also without leaving the game. You can store up to 100 items in a Virtual Vault.

We have long wanted to do something interesting and unusual for the Bless Universe community. We are glad to present the result of our collaboration with the local cosplayer – Muse Elf in iris set. Finally, we have EE in the party.
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We have reworked View Range settings in the client, Ultra-Low setting now has no texture artifacts on the edges and has a new fixed camera distance between Default and Low. This mode now will be much more convenient for those who have lag issues. Also, we have optimized view ranges for Low to Medium settings, that should increase client performance in safe zones among crowds. In the throne room, there are no more texture artifacts on the edges.

Known issue when the opponent could come approach you from below and you won’t see him has been fixed for view ranges medium and up. You can see how it looked before, and how it is now. If everything will perform correctly fixes will be made for other view range as well.

Blood Castle and Devil Square ticket mixes now have a 100% success rate, Zen cost has more than tripled.

Enabling auto-party mode in clicker will now grant you an additional 2% experience.

Next week we will start to test-run new Endless Tower event on all Bless servers, and by the end of the week, it will become fully operational.

Update: Endless Tower is now available on all the servers. Award system on the web-site in your Profile is fully operational. Next week a new ranking will be available, which will give special gifts to top rank players every week.

Destiny Server have opened a little over a month ago, and if you skipped that opening, this is your best chance to burst into Top 100 of Hall of Fame.

Now all new characters receive a +25% experience buff for 7 days and 2000 additional points, which will gradually decrease till 10 reset. And thanks to our "Simplified reset system", first 50 resets you can do before 400 level. This system is dynamical, and each few days count of required level will gradually decrease.

Also on Destiny, a one-off discount on VIP account has been added - if you have never purchased VIP, on the first time it will cost you 300 bonuses instead 500 for 30 days.

Call your friends and don't forget to use a referral reward system. Your personal referral link you can receive, after sign-in on website.

On the website a new Top Earners rating has been added, thanks to which there can be seen how much bonuses players get from server without donations: voting, referrals, ratings, resets, achievements and events. As well as through trading with other players. Now we know in person those, who really know how to earn impressive amounts without donations.

Two new recipes have been introduced to the crafting system on the website, where you can create jewelry of a random element from neutral Excellent jewelry. For the recipe, you will need 3 Exc Rings of Magic +5 or 3 Exc Pendant of Ability +5. To upgrade rings and amulets, you need to use the Jewel of Goldsmith, which can be obtained in Dungeon. Detailed information about the crafting system on the website is available here.

Update: Now when your referral donate bonuses to the server, you and your referral will receive an additional 10% to the transaction, but no more than 200 bonuses per person. Amount of bonuses received from each referral you can track in your profile on the website in the referrals. section.

New server Bless Destiny x1000 is now officially open! Welcome and a have great time!

Update: Due to the critical Zen shortage on the Destiny server, the Golden Budge Dragons respawn time has been reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour. Drop from Silver Medal, Gold Medal, Firecracker, Heart of Love got a small chance of a Zen drop.

Update: Current reset cost is slightly more hardcore than we would like. And given that there are many newcomers on the server, this problem can be decisive in determining whether a person can play on the server or not. In this regard, it was decided to reduce the cost of reset from 10kk to 5kk for each reset.

We in no case want to depreciate Zen, on the contrary, the task is to ensure that Zen is valued and does not lose its value after the end of a reset race. As it usually happens on our servers, while resets are being made - Zen is in short supply and absolutely everyone needs it. But as soon as the resets end, this currency begins to rapidly fall in price. In the near future, we plan to introduce additional Zen expense items, where players will be able to acquire certain benefits for Zen at will, and not by force, as with resets. The rise in price of the most popular craft recipes is also expected.

And now, we are announcing a competition for the new Endless Tower event! The competition will last two weeks and the winners will be announced on September 23. The prize in the form of Flame of Condor 1x will be given to the leader of the team that will take first place in the event rankings. And if at the time of the announcement of the winner in the ranking there will be more than 30 entries, the prize will be increased to Flame of Condor 3x and each member of the winner's team will additionally receive 1x Green Mistery Box, 2x Blue Ribbon Box and 3x Green Ribbon Box. Good luck!

Update: Enough with the lawlessness, too many lives were ruined in the underground labyrinths. Today post meridiem those who shed blood in the dungeon will be marked with blood.

For beginners: drop from medals and hearts has been updated, items number has decreased, obtaining stones, Zen and collecting needed sets became easier. From now on Silver Medal - Bone, Scale, Wind; Heart of Love/Firecracker - Sphinx, Plate, Spirit, Light Plate; Gold Medal - Legendary, Dragon, Guardian, Adamantine.