Master | Bali | Mega | Vegas | Extreme |
General statistics |
Server | Mega x100 |
Server status | Online |
Server online | |
Clients | 913 |
Clients for 24 hours | 2,053 |
Clients for the week | 3,807 |
Clients for the month | 7,105 |
Accounts | 73,204 |
Characters | 82,729 |
Guilds | 423 |
Version | Arkania Episode 5 |
Chaos Machine Statistics |
Level 2 wings | |
Level 3 wings | |
Level 4 wings | |
Level 5 wings | 168 |
Fenrir | 435 |
Blue Fenrir | 104 |
Black Fenrir | 127 |
Violet Fenrir | 211 |
Hellion | 115 |
Seraph | 65 |
Elite Horse | 30 |
Demon | 113 |
Spirit of Guardian | 67 |
Shadowmere | 34 |
Active lots | 5,544 |
Total sold | 764 |
Zen turnover | 86,426,747,708 |
Bonuses turnover | 40,803 |
Daily Zen turnover | 29,914,769,728 |
Daily Bonuses turnover | 12,040 |
Active lots | 68 |
Total sold | 485 |
Bonuses turnover | 831 |
Daily Bonuses turnover | 43 |
Castle Siege |
Castle owner | ||
Siege time | 18:00 19.01.2025 |
Chronology of cycles |
Registered guilds | ||
Daily Zen income | ||
Daily Bonuses income | ||
Weekly Zen income | ||
Weekly Bonuses income | ||
Bonuses for the winner this week | ||
Bonuses for the second place this week | ||
Bonuses for the third place this week |
Crywolf |
Fortress status | Captured (Defeat) |
Attack time | 21:30 Wednesday |
Classes |
Magic Gladiator | 10,145 (12.26%) |
Duel Master | 1,819 (2.2%) |
Dark Lord | 10,036 (12.13%) |
Lord Emperor | 1,195 (1.44%) |
Dark Wizard | 7,752 (9.37%) |
Soul Master | 10,864 (13.13%) |
Grand Master | 2,553 (3.09%) |
Dark Knight | 9,548 (11.54%) |
Blade Knight | 6,809 (8.23%) |
Blade Master | 1,446 (1.75%) |
Elf | 9,145 (11.05%) |
Muse Elf | 9,813 (11.86%) |
High Elf | 1,604 (1.94%) |
Location |
Lorencia | 26,301 (31.79%) |
Noria | 9,686 (11.71%) |
Devias | 11,105 (13.42%) |
Arkania | 15,493 (18.73%) |
Dungeon | 1,014 (1.23%) |
Stadium | 495 (0.6%) |
Lost Tower | 2,631 (3.18%) |
Atlans | 1,736 (2.1%) |
Loren | 64 (0.08%) |
Aida | 2,142 (2.59%) |
Tarkan | 3,828 (4.63%) |
Icarus | 2,058 (2.49%) |
Crywolf | 100 (0.12%) |
Kanturu | 3,221 (3.89%) |
Devil Square | 47 (0.06%) |
Blood Castle | 172 (0.21%) |
Chaos Castle | 51 (0.06%) |
Bless Arena | 1,258 (1.52%) |
Kalima | 149 (0.18%) |
Land Of Trial | 4 (0%) |
Land Of Trial 2 | 0 (0%) |
Land Of Trial 3 | 0 (0%) |
Barracks | 26 (0.03%) |
Refuge | 14 (0.02%) |
Silent Grounds | 156 (0.19%) |
VIP Arena 1 | 49 (0.06%) |
VIP Arena 2 | 59 (0.07%) |
VIP Arena 3 | 44 (0.05%) |
VIP Arena 4 | 36 (0.04%) |
VIP Arena 5 | 78 (0.09%) |
VIP Arena 6 | 12 (0.01%) |
VIP Arena 7 | 10 (0.01%) |
VIP Arena 8 | 28 (0.03%) |
VIP Arena 9 | 88 (0.11%) |
VIP Arena 10 | 103 (0.12%) |
Team Deathmatch | 0 (0%) |
Santa Town | 157 (0.19%) |
Ruined Lorencia | 150 (0.18%) |
Jungle Noria | 110 (0.13%) |
Snowstorm Devias | 0 (0%) |
Elbeland | 13 (0.02%) |
Swamp of Peace | 20 (0.02%) |
Colloseum | 8 (0.01%) |
Endless Tower 1 | 5 (0.01%) |
Endless Tower 2 | 5 (0.01%) |
Endless Tower 3 | 3 (0%) |
PK level |
Commoner | 79,205 (95.74%) |
Warned | 1,915 (2.31%) |
Murder | 391 (0.47%) |
Phonoman | 1,218 (1.47%) |