The new Bali x30 server launch will take place on September 26th at 18:00!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

Our website design had stayed conservative for a long 9 years. But it's time for changes. New Bless Universe design is right here! We have tried to refresh our design, so he can look more freshly and modern, but also save original gamma color and the spirit of old school Bless style. A lot of things we will improve, and we are ready to listen your opinions about it. Old style Bless website anyway is still available with new address

In near future we will concentrate our attention not only on visual side, but also take care about technical and user experience side parts too.

On server Extreme have added new Guild Tribute (GT) system. With help of tributes, players can gain GRP points, increase guild buff and earh lottery tickets. Also, thanks for tributes, castle coffer now will fill much faster. Read more about GT system you can here.

Updates in Grand Shop. Now all weapons and shields have all 6 excellent options. So we can say goodbye to old Flamberges with 4 options. In addition, now in GRP shop you can find new shields: Crimson Glory, Guardian, Frost Barrier, Salamander and Cross. From "sets" section we have removed all trash and now all items have 4 excellent options. 

Has changed amount of GRP points for Grand Resets. For 215 resets you will receive 300 GRP. At 100 reset now you can make first Grand Reset and receive 100 points. About detailed changes you can read here.

Also in our GRP shop changed pricing. From now, if you wanna buy one part of top set (Brave for example) you will need exactly one Grand Reset (300 points) or 6 Tribute. Top weapons (like Flamberge) or shield (like Crimson Glory) now cost 500 GRP or 10 tributes.

Now in Titan, Brave, Hades, Faith, Seraphim, Paewang, Destroy and Phantom set you can add PvP options for the site bonuses. Now players can transform their top GRP sets into top PVP sets.

It seems to us, that transition period after Zen reform now we can finish. So in this case, cost of reset increased to 1kk.

In addition, like a pleasant bonus, we increasing in almost 3 time frequency of drop items with 56 options. If right now, per week drops around 9 such items, so now this number can pass to 25 and more.

Now you will earn addition +10% bonuses for free, after withdraw to Titan server. Until 12 May, 50 lottery tickets on Titan server you can buy for 1500 bonuses, instead of 1750 standard bonuses cost. 

Award for voting on Topg ranking is increased in 2 items (10 cash points instead 5)

Titan Server have opened a little over 3 months ago, and if you skipped that opening, this is your best chance to burst into Top 100.

Now all new characters receive +25% experience buff for 7 days and 2000 additional points, which will gradually decrease till 10 reset. And thanks to our "Simplified reset system" , first reset you can already make at 364 level. Good news - this system works till 20 reset. This system is dynamical, and each few days count of required level will gradually decrease.

Also on Titan server now you have opportunity to buy 30 days VIP only for 300 bonuses, instead 500. This discount works only for accounts, who never bought a vip before.

Call your friends and don't forget to use a referral reward system. Your personal referral link you can receive, after sign in on website.
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We have optimized dashing and lunging skills: Spiral Slash for MG and all weapons skills for BK. Now you can use this abilities continuously and cover unlimited range without any stopping or being afraid that your character will star moving backwards.

Chaos Machine formulas for complex mixes have been adjusted. Added a special button Get Chaos Success Rate, when clicked, the server will send you the adjusted real percentage of the probability of success of your current mix.

In a duel, at the beginning of each round, the characters now freeze for 2 seconds in their original positions, this will exclude the possibility that the opponent will be able to approach you immediately after respawn before you see him.

In Chaos Castle, Dark Raven now humbly sits on Dark Lords arm and does not attack everything at sight.

Personal Store prices will no longer glitch after reconnect.
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

New ingame setting that allows to significantly decrease the amount of animations you receive from other players. It will make a dramatic impact on your game performance in Devil Square and other mass events.

We are continue to improve drop on Extreme server. You won't find items with 1 excellent option, now all items will have 2,3,4,5 and if you are very lucky - with 6 options. We are hope, that this changes will give you reason to search boxes and level up your items. Also this changes now work in web-craft system and guild quests.

On Extreme server, now all items from lottery have additional options. For weapons - True Damage Increase PVP +200, SD auto recovery. For shields - True Damage Absorb PvP +200, Max HP +200. And for wings - True Damage Increase и Absorb +100. As you noticed, this options are more humble, and main goal of this options - make your items exclusive, not make much stronger.

Pink Mistery Box has been fixed, now it has 50% chance to drop an item +Luck as all other excellent boxes.

Aggressive Siege buff has been updated, now, if the guild successfully defended the castle, at the next siege registered attackers will receive a reinforcing buff: +5% Damage Increase and 2% Damage Absorb and 100 True Damage. If during the siege the last statue was destroyed or wasn’t repaired initially the buff will increase by another 5% Damage, 2% Absorb and 100 True Damage. Now, if you want the siege buff to grow faster, you will have to actually attend sieges, break the gates and destroy that last statue.

Party creation is back on TDM. Magic Gladiator can no longer apply Fire Slash debuff on the allied tam. Prizes for the winning team are now Violet Mistery Boxes.

With activation the Crown during Castle Siege event, Crown switch object will disappear, this system will work the same as with two other switches.

Fixed the bug due to which the character could get, for example, the permanent effect of Ice or Poison.

Fixed an issue where, when killing a golden monster, the drop was supposedly not yours.
Game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update via the Launcher. To receive the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and then start it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, you need to unzip it into the folder with the client, replacing all the proposed files.

Jewel of Ancient Harmony, Jewel of Luck and Jewel of Goldsmith can now be stacked using the /mix ancient, /mix luck and /mix goldsmith commands. To disassemble the stack, use the /unmix command.

Fire Scream has been fixed, it will no longer concentrate the damage of other characters on his selected target. Animation of how this skill is visible from view of other players has been changed. This should also have a positive effect on overall performance. On the side of the DL itself, nothing has changed, the animation and speed of the skill remain the same.

Stadium location will now be open to the public on weekends on all servers. Starting from Saturday 10 am and until the end of the siege on Sunday. There are a lot of different spots on this location, several bosses and a special Zen spot. On weekends, when Stadium is open to everyone, players will respawn on same spot if they are being killed. At the end of the siege, on Sunday, all players, except the owners of the castle, will be teleported to the town.

New command added - /mute, it allows you to ignore the messages of the specified player. You can only ignore one person at a time. In order to remove the ignore, you just need to enter the command /mute without a nickname, or re-enter the game.

From now on, only the guilds who have registered for castle siege as attackers, will be receiving Aggressive Siege buff. This buff will be effective during the entire siege, regardless of how many times castle owner has been changed.

Added command /bc, it lets you to know how many more times you can visit the Blood Castle event today.

Fixed bug with simultaneous use of buffs for damage from the Cash Shop and Bless Arena. Fixed a bug with randomization on Kanturu Domination event, now the guild with less than 1000 points will not be able to participate in the Arena ownership draw for sure.
The first and only new server launch in 2018 on Bless Universe. The comeback of the player favorite low rate server, with 35 resets and a pleasant dynamic experience system.

You will be awaited by more powerful monsters on all locations, which could slow down the leveling process from location to location. Also personalized quest system rewards depending on your characters class, as well as the new pets Hellion, Seraph and Elite Horse which can be obtainable exclusively in-game by crafting. You will also find out there is a new jewel - Jewel of Goldsmith - which will help you with the enhancment of jewelry. Stadium will be opened to everyone untill the first Castle Siege. You will also be greeted by the chance to craft all level wings with a numerous random options, guild quests, and limitations for resets and in-game quests.

No more separate VIP server and no more item enhancment using fruits. No sets in the online Shop. No power buff and extra stats from the start. And no pets and 3rd/4th level wings untill the first Castle Siege.

For Titan server we present a new, updated Guild system, with increased amounts of possible members and enabled alliance creation. More info here.

If that already wouldn't be enough, we are working on a number of interesting updates. Information will be available shortly.

With more detailed server settings and the table of resets you can get acquainted here.

Invite your friends via Skype and win 50 bonuses! More here.

A chance to get VIP and 500 bonuses for Guild Masters from other servers! More here.

Participate in our social network competition and get a chance to win 300 bonuses! The winners will be selected at random on the 18th December, 18:00. The bonuses will be paid on the website of the project and you will be able to to spend them on any of the servers of your choosing.


All registered referrals will also be active on Titan from today. You can get your referral link by logging in to any of our existing servers. So, if your friends are not yet playing on Bless, it's high time to invite them to join this seasons biggest gaming world.

Facts about our project here.
Full list of setting of our servers here.
In-detail guide about the game process on our servers here.

The legendary opening of the server Titan is hapenning on December 12th, 18:00!
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We made great efforts to improve and rebalance Ancient sets. The focus was on the grade E and D sets, they received significant improvements in every way. We have tried to ensure that even among the lowest grades there are no useless sets left. Many sets and combinations will now be a great alternative to Excellent items in the early stages of the game.

Alongside with the improvement of characteristics, it was necessary to change the components of some sets. In many sets, the number of parts that you need to assemble in order to get full set options has been reduced. It was required in order to make the process of combining parts from different Ancient sets as interesting and rewarding as possible. Set parts that were deleted: Piercing Helm and Boots, Eplete Helm and Gloves, Barnake Helm, Ceto Pants, Hyperion Armor, Garuda Pants, Cronus Boots, Odin Pants and Boots. These items on hand, lost their options, but they still fit for Feather of Condor mix. Overall, now we have a significantly larger amount of effective set part combinations.

Added new sets: Wild Destruction, Veseny Divine, Asylum Aschrow, Aces Eclipse, Talia Iris, Darkside Adamantine, Jokers Valiant and Hydra Thunder Hawk. They all consist of 2-3 items, work very effective in combination with Excellent items, and have their own characteristics.

The Power of the Ancients buff was improved: an additional 5% were given to DK, DW and MG, using a two-handed weapon or a staff, and DL when using raven. A gladiator when using a two-handed weapon can reach the maximum value of 40% increased damage.

In addition, we have fixed all know bugs with Ancient sets, including the missing titles and the possibility to get all the options without having a complete set. The total number of Ancient sets on our servers has already exceeded 60. A full description of all existing sets you can find here.

We have updated Rudolf, now it collects Zen only if your character is receiving experience, therefore it will no longer be possible to put your twink character on somebody else’s spot to collect his Zen. Rudolf has a certain obtaining speed, so it will not be able to collect all the Zen on one spot, but if you are in Party with other Rudolfs, Zen will be shared relatively equally. Also, it will still continue to collect Zen after reconnect.

There are now 6 Ghost Warriors roaming freely in Dungeon, with the respawn time of 10 seconds and fixed drop of 3kk Zen.

You can now turn AutoParty Gold in the clicker settings. While the mode is activated by the F6 clicker, your character will automatically accept characters of different classes and a level no higher than yours by more than 120. The old commands for creating AutoParty remain unchanged, but now are accompanied by system messages so you can see what AP you acre creating.

Shadowmere itself received a visual overhaul. Hope, you will like it.

On the castle siege, when taking the switch, it will visually disappear from your screen while you hold it. For other players, the button is always visible. This should prevent various ways to keep the character in one place using the switch.

Fixed bugs: arrows can no longer lose Durability, teleportation of participants during football is now correct and does not affect other guild members. Fixed the problem with Personal Store disappearing after reconnect. In Devil Square, Queen Rainers were replaced by Alpha Crusts to improve performance. If to the Team Death Match arena you were teleported from BC, DS or CC, then at the end of TDM you will be teleported to the city.
New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

We made great efforts to improve and rebalance Ancient sets. The focus was on the grade E and D sets, they received significant improvements in every way. We have tried to ensure that even among the lowest grades there are no useless sets left. Many sets and combinations will now be a great alternative to Excellent items in the early stages of the game.

Alongside with the improvement of characteristics, it was necessary to change the components of some sets. In many sets, the number of parts that you need to assemble in order to get full set options has been reduced. It was required in order to make the process of combining parts from different Ancient sets as interesting and rewarding as possible. Set parts that were deleted: Piercing Helm and Boots, Eplete Helm and Gloves, Barnake Helm, Ceto Pants, Hyperion Armor, Garuda Pants, Cronus Boots, Odin Pants and Boots. These items on hand, lost their options, but they still fit for Feather of Condor mix. Overall, now we have a significantly larger amount of effective set part combinations.

Added new sets: Wild Destruction, Veseny Divine, Asylum Aschrow, Aces Eclipse, Talia Iris, Darkside Adamantine, Jokers Valiant and Hydra Thunder Hawk. They all consist of 2-3 items, work very effective in combination with Excellent items, and have their own characteristics.

The Power of the Ancients buff was improved: an additional 5% were given to DK, DW and MG, using a two-handed weapon or a staff, and DL when using raven. A gladiator when using a two-handed weapon can reach the maximum value of 40% increased damage.

In addition, we have fixed all know bugs with Ancient sets, including the missing titles and the possibility to get all the options without having a complete set. The total number of Ancient sets on our servers has already exceeded 60. A full description of all existing sets you can find here.

We have updated Rudolf, now it collects Zen only if your character is receiving experience, therefore it will no longer be possible to put your twink character on somebody else’s spot to collect his Zen. Rudolf has a certain obtaining speed, so it will not be able to collect all the Zen on one spot, but if you are in Party with other Rudolfs, Zen will be shared relatively equally. Also, it will still continue to collect Zen after reconnect.

There are now 6 Ghost Warriors roaming freely in Dungeon, with the respawn time of 10 seconds and fixed drop of 3kk Zen.

You can now turn AutoParty Gold in the clicker settings. While the mode is activated by the F6 clicker, your character will automatically accept characters of different classes and a level no higher than yours by more than 120. The old commands for creating AutoParty remain unchanged, but now are accompanied by system messages so you can see what AP you acre creating.

Shadowmere itself received a visual overhaul. Hope, you will like it.

On the castle siege, when taking the switch, it will visually disappear from your screen while you hold it. For other players, the button is always visible. This should prevent various ways to keep the character in one place using the switch.

Fixed bugs: arrows can no longer lose Durability, teleportation of participants during football is now correct and does not affect other guild members. Fixed the problem with Personal Store disappearing after reconnect. In Devil Square, Queen Rainers were replaced by Alpha Crusts to improve performance. If to the Team Death Match arena you were teleported from BC, DS or CC, then at the end of TDM you will be teleported to the city.

Game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install the Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files.

Behold the new arena for the Kanturu Domination Event! The location has become significantly larger and has three separate exits from the safe zone. Now we have plenty of space for maneuvers and the tactics of not letting out your opponents from the safe zone is now longer viable.

There is no longer big boss at the end. Now several May’s Nemesеs wander freely through the arena, killing them grants 50 Points and 50% chance to receive Box of Luck, Red Ribbon Box or Violet Mistery Box. Now even tourists can gain some profit from participating in the event.

30 seconds after teleporting to the event, the speed at which your character drinks HP Potions begins to gradually decline. Thanks to this, even the strongest players will not be able to hold their positions indefinitely and eventually die from weaker rivals who have just respawned after death. In other words, the longer you are in the arena and do not die, the slower you will consume your potions. Death of the character resets this effect.

Depending on the amount of points collected there can 3 prize-winning places. As a reward, guilds receive an increase of Guild Buff until the next event, as well as valuable boxes. One of three winning guilds will be chosen randomly and given access to the Kanturu Arena with spots for leveling-up for 24 hours. PvP damage on the event is reduced by 50%, and event duration is increased from 15 to 20 minutes. Detailed information about the event is available here.

Characteristics and mixes of Black and Blue Fenrirs were updated, now for a successful mix you will additionally require 3rd level wings. Spirit of Guardian stats have been slightly improved. Completely new Violet Fenrir has been added to the game. The recipe for its creation is still covered in mystery, but it is known that this will be one of the most expensive of existing combinations. More information about the updates pets is available here.