The new Bali x30 server launch will take place on September 26th at 18:00!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

ĐллюŃтрацияThe long-awaited craft system for items on the website has been launched on all our servers. With its help, you can create from 1 Excellent item of one class and type 1 new item with a higher grade than the initial materials

The source materials must have a certain minimum grinding, depending on their grade. The chance of a successful combination is 50%. In case of failure, you lose all the source materials, if for payment you use Zen. If, on payment, you use CashPoints, in case of failure you will lose only one random item.

More information about the craft system you can find here.
Bless Novus x300 have opened 2 May!

The game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and then start it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install the Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the proposed files. Full game client in files section on website is also updated; it is already pre-installed with all the available updates.

Guild Buff has been updated. Now all character modifiers (except Experience) are absolute, not percent values, like it used to be. There are few new parameters: Critical Damage and Additional Damage PvP. Due to this, the buff will have less influence on strong characters, but will significantly help the weaker. This will favorably affect the overall balance of characters and guilds. Also, we now can change the buff values in real time without restarting the servers, which will allow us to find the golden mean. As we assume that current figures might not be satisfying for everybody.

Updated success rates of Devil Square Invitation mix. Now they fully correspond to those figures what you see in your game client.

Castle Siege objects: Battle Guards and Canon Towers – reinforced again. Also, a bug, due to which the Canon Tower constantly missed characters, was fixed. Now the towers will inflict damage with 99% probability.
There is an update for our anti-cheat system. Do not forget keep the version of your game client up to date. Soon without the latest update, you won’t be able to enter the game.

Objects on the Castle Siege were reinforced. Canon Tower and Battle Guard HP doubled. On-hit Canon Tower damage is increased to 20% of the player’s maximum health, Battle Guard Spearman to 8% and Battle Guard Archer to 4%. Do not forget that HP of all objects during siege depends on the total amount of stats of the lord castle owner.

Items grade has now more impact on the overall Set Bonus. Now the difference in Set Bonus between items with different grades, but the same options will be a little more noticeable.

Since Werewolf Hero is no longer a boss, we have adjusted its numbers in quest 163. Also, due to the fact that the number of monsters in Crywolf has increased significantly, the respawn time of all mobs on this location has changed from 10 to 20 seconds.

All new items from the last update are already available in our Bonuses Shop, Grand Shop and in the Lottery.

We have increased the durability of Blood Castle Gates and Statues on server Aurora. The most dramatic changes are in BC7, other floors were not affected as much.

The game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and then start it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install the Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the proposed files. In addition, full client on the website has been updated; it already has existing updated preinstalled.

New items were implemented into the game – a weapon and a shield for each class. All top graded items were added to excellent drop from Green Mystery Box (LBA Event and Lord Mix). Accompanying that, all existing weapons and armors in the game were added to the common (Non-Exc) drop from monsters. And the most tasty bits are now hidden in the Star of Sacred Birth, without any upgrades of course. So, do not panic when you get Flameberge from a Star or Brave Armor in Crywolf. The range of items in the shop on the website will be complemented with the new items in the near future.

To sustain Non-Exc high-grade items in common drop we have changed the gradations of monsters in Crywolf. Concerning this, we had to say goodbye to the 10 Bless Bundle from Werewolf Hero. Nevertheless, now everyone will be able to try on the best items in the game.

We have greatly improved the drop from Balgass, now he drops only top-graded weapons, from Sword Bracker to Night’s Edge. Along with that, the power of the boss and his entourage was significantly increased. Full information about all the changes of the loot from bosses and boxes will be available on the forum soon.

Now there is an extended information of items characteristics on the website. Grade – it influences Set Bonus and determines the power of monster that drops certain item. Base Damage and Defense – base stats of in item in non-exc, non-upgraded state. Wield, attack speed and class compatibility. In the future, we will try to display current item parameters according to the item sharpening and state. Anyway, even base stats should significantly help players to navigate around items power levels, especially against the background of new weapons.

Due to the fact that the mighty bosses of Land of Trials did not get along with AFK lovers, it was decided to remove all spots from LoT. The location became a pure farm-zone – only hunting for a valuable loot and no AFK. Bosses and rabbits were slightly altered. Several Fortune Pouches arrived to the scenery; by the way, their respawn on all locations except Bless Arena is now 30 minutes.

Instead, the castle lords get a modest command /stadium which moves you to its own private Stadium with 13 spots form leveling up, Zen spot and a couple of nice extras. Of course our lords won’t be able become self-indulgent, the spots hardly reach the level of Twin Tail in BA, but in any case a safe AFK is provided at its finest. And by the way, DL Summon skills words in Stadium, so if you want you can arrange tourist excursions.

And finally: the level for Summon skill were corrected, GM’s got their right to use Shield Defense Skill on the crown back, and Destroy set was renamed to Phantom (do not even ask why).
We’ve changed the mechanics of registering the crown seal on the Castle Siege. Guild Master is now not allowed to use any skills when registering the seal, otherwise registration will be interrupted. It is done to exclude any tricks of making GM unmovable on the crown.

The bug, when character is knocked back when trying to attack exiting safe zone has been fixed. In addition, we’ve fixed the problem when characters were getting knocked back while casually moving.

Additional options from upgrading shields up to +14+15 have been corrected. Also we’ve checked all other additional options.

Cool down on reselling characters on the market has been lowered from 30 to 3 days for characters with 3 profession. Cool down for characters without 3 profession has stayed the same.
Bless Legion x100  – the biggest merge to ever happen in the whole history of the projects Bless & eGames. Gaming worlds Titan, Phoenix, Scorpius and Orion will be merged into 1 and will create a new server – Legion. Instead of 4 separate gaming worlds with not the highest activity, we will get 1, very active, mega-server. A huge amount of players, very stiff competition and breath taking Caste Sieges are guaranteed.

Server Legion based on Orion but will have and update amount of maximum stats obtained via resets – we have calculated the average amount all the servers involved in the merge and have found the optimal amount. This will positively affect the in-game balance and will give equal conditions for everyone.

Servers Phoenix and Scorpius was added to Legion on March 15 and 16.

Update:  When buying stats on the website, they are no longer being cleared with resets. Instead they will be decreased by 200 with every reset. If you bought 2000 stats, than with the first reset you will get 1800, 1600 with second and so on. In addition, tax on Zen Chest on the website has been decreased from 10% daily to 1% weekly.
The time has come. The players of server Titan are having the long awaited trip – Bless Titan is merging with Bless Orion. The Orion server was opened during winter 2015 and has already successfully been merged with Prime and Draco, which lead to a significant increase in the total online. Now, more than 1000 active players are online each week and the server has over 32 000 created characters on it. In the perspective of merging, the Orion server has the potential to be one of the most populated gaming worlds we ever had.
The players of Titan moved to Orion. All your characters and equipment, resets and bonuses have moved without losing anything.

The merge was occur on March 7!
The Guild Tribute system was first introduced in our Phoenix server and turned out to be way more used we ever imagined. And with that, the amount of Tributes that guilds managed to do and use exceeded our even boldest predictions. As a result that led to a great disbalance and a huge advantage for the top guilds as compared to the rest of the servers population. We want to level out this disbalance and give the less powerful guilds a bigger chance for a fair fight.

The maximum amount of GTP which can be used by a single guild is now limited to 30. The members of guilds which have more then 30 active tributes right now won’t be able to do new GT until the number of active tributes will get below 30. The limitation will give the opportunity to rest to our most active „tributers” and will give the rest of the guilds a bigger chance to catch up with the top guilds.

The increase in Guild Buff from GTP now depends on the amount of members in that guild. The bigger the guild, the less increase in guild buff it will get from each GTP done. That is because the top guilds already get an increase in guild buff due to the achievements done by their members. This will allow the smaller, but very active guilds to compete with the giants and will also make the guild masters to pay more attention to the guilds member list. We hope to increase the rotation of players between guilds which could lead to new guilds who could compete with the already existing guilds.

The amount of active tributes will no longer affect the level needed for reset for the guild members. The system was first thought to be as a substitute system for easier starting reset system, which we already implemented on our older servers, to give the new players the boost they need to actually compete. Before the update, this system basically just helped the 2 top guilds to level up their referrals faster but it was no actual good for other players. That is why we are implementing a new, easier starting reset system which will change itself periodically depending on the average amount of achievements done on the whole server. This means that, the older the server gets, the lower the level for first resets will get. As for now, this system is working in test mode on all of our servers, until 10 resets. In the future the system will be customized to fit the needs of each individual server and the number of resets that will be affected will be increased.

We are still pursuing our goal to create conditions where there are more than just 2 super powerful alliances on a server. So for that reason, the changes of this update are not final and we are open for your correction suggestions.
The long awaited update regarding Castle Siege and Land of Trials has finally arrived.

Firstly, the part of taking the gates and the statue will now last longer and you will have a real reason to use your resources in order to fix and enhance these structures. The HP for the Castle Gates, Guardian Statue, Canon Tower, Life Stone and Battle Guards will now be calculated by the total amount of stats of the Castle owners GM. A weak GM will have weak gates and a strong GM will have stronger gates. This will allow to correctly calculate the HP of different structures on different servers and on different stages of the servers development.

We have added new Battle Guards units: Archer and Spear-man. With the help of summon cards the defending side can place these guards in key places for a better result. The guards don’t move but they attack the attacking team. They can be killed, but they cannot be moved. The summon cards needed to summon these guards are now added to Lilac Candy Box. There can be up to 100 guards on the map at one time.

The Caste Siege units will be doing more damage based on the players max HP : Canon Tower - 10%, Battle Guard Spear-man – 4%, Battle Guard Archer – 2%.

The Castle Lord Mix is now working, we have upgraded the castle taxes and now bosses have been added to Land Of Trials, and more. More about the new, upgraded perks of being the owner of the Castle can be found here.

Also there have been many important corrections in the in-game world :

We have reworked formulas for experience gain in solo and in all kinds of parties. Now the experience from all monsters will be divided more evenly, calculated by the level of the monsters. Bronze, Silver and Gold Party are now working correctly on all locations and on all monsters. Some corrections are made in order to make solo leveling more beneficial than in Gold Party. Of course this system will be corrected if necessary, so please, do not panic.

Training Worm is now immortal and cannot be moved. So now you can train your combo skills without any distractions.

At appearing after the game exit or after switching character in Devias, your character will be teleported to Safe Zone. It will solve forever all disputes with unfair entering to events

Now after rejoining the game or character switch in Devias,

For security purposes an extra delay is added to the usage time of commands /gift and /guild.

Guild Buff and the commands /add stats are not working on Team Deathmatch anymore. Also the spikes in the TDM arena do not kill players anymore. However it will deal some damage and also poison effect is added.

The difference of levels between characters no longer makes it possible to get (Miss) hits in PvP. This was relevant for servers with Guild Tributes.

We have corrected the specifications of bosses in the Lords of Bless Arena event. We hope not to see complaints that Asteroth is dying too fast now. Also the vision range of the bosses has been decreased which make life easier for the newer players who are just trying to run to spots.

In the next update the prize for winning Lords of Bless Arena event will be finally revealed, together with some more corrections for Guild Buff awarded for doing Guild Tributes and killing BA bosses.
The testing period of our new permanent event - Lords of Bless Arena, has started on all our servers. More information about this event can be found here.

From this moment on, Guild Buff won't work in the locations Duel Arena and Chaos Castle. In the future you should await changes to the buff itself and how it is divided between the guild members. Our goal is to not have top-guilds full with unactive players. Our vision for the future is to create a system that would allow for more guilds to be contenders for the throne and to therefore stop this trend of the server being ruled by 2 supper-alliances. The guild tribute system will also be re-worked in order to make this possible.

A new command is now available to change the party leader: /partyleader . It can be used by the current party leader. Also, it has been brought to our attention that the experience gain in Gold Party is wrong in some certain conditions, thanks to those who found this problem and insisted on their rights for correct experience. This will be fixed in the upcoming updates.

We've updated our defense against hit-hacks. It is now impossible to send multiple hits to your opponent or to attack him while you're dead. 

Also, we have noticed that very few spectators are watching duels or football matches. So we have added announcements on start of duels, guild wars and football.Â