The new Bali x30 server launch will take place on September 26th at 18:00!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

The long awaited launch of our new server, Prime x10 is finally here! The turnover of people is really amazing, our web site has not felt this kind of load in a long time – we’ve had over 50 thousands views, which is also a new record. The total amount of players online has exceeded 5000 and this is not yet the end – our advertising campaigns never stop and the amount of new players just keeps on rising.

By the way, starting today on our Extreme server the beta-testing will start for our new event Lords of Bless Arena, more information about this event can be found here.
A while ago our server Prime was one of our most successful and most popular projects. Now, we are planning to break the previous results and create something really spectacular. The legendary super-low rate server is returning. Even less resets, even less stats and and even more balanced gameplay, where every class will have it’s own advantage.

The server will be as close to x1 rate server as possible, which we have dreamed of for quite a while now. And because of this we are removing all set items from the shop on Prime. Yes, you heard it right, no more Helms, Armors, Pants, Gloves or Boots in the shop or the lottery. From now on you will have to collect sets only in-game – by fighting bosses and trading with other players. The demand for excellent items with the best possible options, on the market, will be crazy. This will spice up your desire to go to bosses, and just imagine the feeling after the you have collected the full set after a long time of farming. We have kept everything else – Weapons, Wings, Pets and Jewelery in the Shop, however the prices are set higher than on other servers.

On Prime a new, re-worked guild tribute system will be introduced, which will no longer have such a dramatic influence on the gameplay. Also our new permanent guild event – Lords of Bless Arena – is in development stages. This event will be concentraded around killing bosses in Bless Arena. The hunt for bosses will allow your guild to earn points, which will allow them to win prizes in the weekly ratings and increase your authority in-game. The full list of server information, re-worked guild tribute system and our new event will be available during the next week.

A huge advertising campaign will be launched, we want to let every Bless Universe player to know about our server, so they can come and join us. By the way all referral links registered starting today, are working. You can see your referral link by logging in to any other of our existing servers.

Rebirth of our legendary server Prime x10 – December 8th, 18:00!
Webshop refresh 16.12.16
In the last 5 years our gaming world has seen numerous and big changes. We’ve had a lot of new features added, our in-game balance has been adjusted, in-game mechanics, buffs and skills have changed which has led to to new tactics used in-game. But through out this time our Shop has stayed the same and was significantly out of date. It is now time to re-new it and bring up-to-speed with our enhanced gameplay.

First of all, we tried to make the new shop as clear as possible. You wont find the same item with different item level and excellent options anymore. Now you wont have to overthink what item, with which option to chose. There is no more discrimination between classes - all the prices, the amount of excellent options and the item levels are now alike. There is no more need to regulate the in-game balance via the shop. The more desirable options are now available on the lowest grade items and for a more reasonable price. All items for all classes now have the same options and all are now +13. Furthermore they are now divided into 2 groups: PvE and PvP.

PvE – these are the more cheaper items which are more suitable for killing monsters and not for fighting other players. PvE items now have 4 options on weapons (+Rate +Speed +Mana +HP) and 3 options on armors (+Zen +Rate +Decrease).

PvP – these are the more expensive items which are designed for fighting other players. PvP items have all 6 possible options on weapons and shields, and 4 options on armors (+Rate +Decrease +HP +Reflect).

The shop will no longer include Ancient items. These will now be the most valuable items, obtainable only in the game. In the nearest future, ancient items will await even more work done on them.

The shop will no longer contain Archangel items due to the fact, that their stats don't increase with the addition of excellent options. In the nearest future these items will be given their own role and they will get new, unique features which will be tied to their in-game origins. A similar fate awaits the Chaos items: Bow, Axe, Staff.

All two-handed weapons have been removed, due to their low usage because of their lower impact on the set bonus. These items also can await a rework and conquer a new niche in the game. Also, jewels have been removed from the shop, because they are now available in the Cash Shop in-game.

For those who will want to change their old items for new ones - the % of bonuses returned will be increased from 50% to 80-90% depending on the server. This increased rate will be available for a month. Also when returning items for bonuses, the website will now take into account the bonuses used for making the items +14/+15 on the web.
The game client has been updated. All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and then start it again. If you have problems with auto-update, you can manually download and install the Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the proposed files.

Introducing - a new system of duels. Now, if you desire to challenge your opponent for a battle, you will be teleported to a separate location - Colosseum, where duelists will not cause problems for the rest of the game world. At the end of each duel, the entire server will be notified of its participants and the results of the match. You can spectate current duels in the invisibility mode through new NPC Doorkeeper Titus, which is located in the main city.

Football system has been updated. Damage at the stadium was reduced by 50%, just like at Castle Siege. After every scored goal, participants will be teleported to their original positions. At the end of the match, the entire server will be informed about the participants and the results of the game. Same notifications of results will now appear at the end of GuildWar. Now everyone will know – who, and with what score have kicked somebody’s ass.

After thorough tests based on your feedback, experience in both normal and the Gold Party has been increased. Leveling in groups has now become profitable as ever. For the most curious - we will be able to share the results of the tests later.

Another benefit for our gladiators. Now they can get a bonus defense of a complete set from all armor sets that they can wear. It means that, for example full Dragon set +13 will give MG additional bonus defense from a full set, MG never had it before due to lack of helmet. By the way, soon we will try to make that the information about a character in game to display a real Defense with all our formulas, rather than default parameters, which are no longer relevant.

Chance that after a death in BA PvP zone you will be teleport you to the city has been significantly reduced. Protection from achievement boosting - is good, but we agree that too frequent kicks out of the arena start to irritate.

Due to your requests command /mix now also works for standard bundles of Bless & Soul. Command /gift has been reworked and optimized, no more gift cheating.

Some issues with Chaos Castle floor collapsing have been fixed. In general, the event finally works without any unpleasant surprises. In addition, when teleporting to different locations, raven skills should not disappear any more. Also, new patches for anti-cheat have been added.

Training Worm now resides near the entrance to the main town, you can use it as a training dummy. It is blind, almost unable to move or attack. So, fell free to train your combos, or test your damage, without being hit back. Ghost Warriors in Silent Ground now have static damage, it will you to test your defense. Erohim and Red Dragon stats are also increased; killing them now will require a bit more effort.
A nice addition for those who prefer Energy based builds for Magic Gladiator.

We have added the long-awaited possibility to combine Jewels - Chaos, Life, Creation, Guardian, Gemstone, Harmony, HRS and LRS in packs of 10, 20 and 30 pieces. Combining and dismantling is carried out by commands /mix and /unmix, for example: /mix hrs 30. If you use the command /mix hrs without specifying the number, it will automatically be combined into the biggest pack from all available Jewels in your inventory.

Achievements Killer and Victim are now counted only in PvP, and more precisely in the Bless Arena, on Team Deathmatch, Castle Siege, Chaos Castle, during the Duel, Guild War and Battle Soccer. So, no more achievement boosting with macros, now only live PvP with real opponents. And, of course Bless Arena will become even more bloodier.

Town Portal will now always move you to the capital of the continent, regardless of your location. Dark Lords ability summon, can no longer teleport phonomans with 100 or more kills to: Dungeon, Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida and Kanturu. These locations will be a little better protected from mass purges of an avid phonomans. A main town and Bless Arena instead will become much more popular among the lovers to kill.

Added a command: /stay on | off - when turned ON, your character cannot be Summoned or moved using Mass Teleport. Actual for those who would like to use AutoParty mode, but are worried that their character will be moved without their knowledge. Upon death, Stay mode is automatically turned off, so you still could be summoned from the safe-zone back to the spot. Also we have made a few corrections to an AutoParty system.

From now on, upon teleporting to Chaos Castle event, your character will lose all temporary buffs from other characters. As they say - every man for himself.

In the near future the second part of the update is expected, which will be affecting Duel Systems, Battle Soccer and Guild War. And by the way, yes - /guildwar is already working!
We are introducing a test mode for an AutoParty system, which allows you to automatically take people to your Party. AP mode is managed by commands:
  • /ap on - to accept all the people
  • /ap on 300 - to accept people up to 300 level, you can specify any
  • /ap on 400 gold - to only accept characters suitable for Gold Party
  • /ap on 200 gold - to accept characters up to 200 level suitable for Gold Party
  • /ap off - to turn off the AP mode
Commands can also be combined, for example, /ap on 380 gold - this will only accept characters of different classes up to 380 level. To join AutoParty you need to give a standard party invite /party to a player who created the AP, and you will automatically join his party. In the future, we plan to develop this system, adding new features. Now we would like to hear your feedback and suggestions.

A lot of work has been done to improve reliability of a chaos castle event. Fixed an error with a falling character glitch. Corrected floor collapse the system now everything should collapse evenly and mobs should not get stuck in inaccessible places. We hope that in real conditions everything will be as smooth as on the tests.

A small but very pleasant addons: stats can now be added much faster by holding down the middle mouse button. Also, size of buff icons is reduced, now they take less space on the screen, preparing for the replenishment.

The minimum selling price for the website market is set to 4+1 Tax.

Fixed auto-attack system in the clicker when using [F6] [F7] [F8]. Clicker now regulates auto-attack by himself, as he needs to. When clicker is turned off, it will return the settings you have set yourself in your game client. HP clicker now responds only to [F10] button. Also some optimizations in anti-cheat.

Corrected damage of top DK and MG swords. Command /Item Name (example: /Bone Blade) now works on all screen resolutions and provides precise parameters of any weapons or armors. Level 4 wings can now be equipped at level 300, regardless of their upgrade level or options.

Added new options for widescreen resolutions of the game window: 1302x732 for laptops and 1810x1018 for Full HD desktops. It allows you to play in a window, but with the highest possible resolution for your screen, so nothing is offscaled. Actual for lovers to film high-quality videos.

As a part of addressing the fight with avid lovers of cleaning all locations from players, dark lords summon skill will no longer teleport phonomaniacs with 10 or more kills. And once we’ve touched this sensitive issue, what do you think about the killer and victim achievement, maybe it is worth to localize it within certain PVP locations, in order not to give people a motivation for mayhem and to limit the possibility of achievement cheat-boosting.
Website now features a safe game account disconnect function. It is useful in cases when you left the game client on other computer, for example, at work, and cannot log in to your character from another computer. Cost of this service is 10 bonuses. We would also like to remind you that your account cannot freeze in the game in any way. If you see the message - Account is already connected, this can only mean that your account is online on some computer somewhere else.

Expansion of guild management capabilities. Assistant GM now can accept new members into guild. Currently it works using the command /guild, but in the next update, it will work using the client interface.

Fixed a problem with Refining Stones and +14 +15 items. Now you will be unable to accidently downgrade the maximum possible Harmony upgrade. As well, an issue where items with +11 upgrade level and above could downgrade to +6 is now corrected.

Kalima map can no longer be used in Devias, in order to stop temptation to block access bridges during the events. Also removed restriction to attack characters below level 6. This feature in fact was no longer relevant, and only created opportunities for various fraudulent manipulations.

Protection from using macros for kill achievement in Bless Arena. Now with the death in BA PvP zone there is a small chance that you will be teleported to Devias.

Owners of VIP accounts can now take Elf Soldier Buff up to the 300 level.

The next update will have mandatory fix of a hanging after death in Chaos Castle bug.
Our server is now participating in the international rating of gaming projects You can find your voting button in the personal area when logging on the website. You can vote twice a day and for every vote you will receive 10 Cash Points. Voting is not included in the rankings or achievements, but also it does not require any quests to be completed.

We have updated Party experience allocation system. To receive additional bonus experience all members in a party should have different character classes:
- Bronze: 3 classes and 110% experience for each
- Silver: 4 classes and 120% experience for each
-Gold: 5 classes and 130% experience for each
Bundle with DK DW ELF is no longer the only relevant combination. Bonus party can be created by any character classes, for example MG DL DK – it’s already a Bronze party. It means, that all classes now will be equally demanded.

Guild Buff has been improved, now the buff allocation between members looks as follows: GM – 100%, AGM – 80%, BM – 60%, Members – 40%. New parameter – Experience Gain, it increases all incoming experience. More information about special guild abilities can be found here.

We have adjusted the loot system in order to cope with an immense attack speed of players. It should eradicate the cases when you kill a boss, but do not get a prize. We hope that now we can say farewell to the false bosses. Abnormal Zen piles are also managed, no more Zen bugs. And please, there is no need to shout, we know, White Wizards are next to be fixed.

In order to increase performance all unnecessary loot in Blood Castle and Devil Square has been removed. Only Jewels of Chaos, Bless, Soul, Life, Creation and Excellent items can be dropped there.

Our green friend Jerridon that restores Harmony options from items is now capable of removing Jewel of Life option from wings. It will useful, if instead of Additional Damage you prefer HP recovery, or vice versa.

You can now upgrade Wings of Conqueror and Devil & Angel wings for +14+15 in Goblin Chaos Machine. We are not sure that there will be people brave enough, but nevertheless the possibility of burning the most expensive items in the game is now present.