The new Bali x30 server launch will take place on September 26th at 18:00!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

Today servers Master, King, Empire and Extreme are moving to the new game client. New version, new maps, monsters, quests, 30 FPS. Everything that is on the Origin server will appear on the rest of the servers. The migration will not automatically update the old client. Everyone will need to download the entire new client.

You can download the new client in the Files section.

All characters will have their stats reset for conversion to the new quest system.

After the transition, the quest system and VIP servers will be temporarily unavailable.

This year, we launched one of the most ambitious client updates.
Besides 30 FPS support, a few new maps were added.

The goal of the contest is simple - make a screenshot on one of the maps from the list and post it on #screenshot-contest chat in our Discord channel, or on Forum topic.

Participate until 21 December and get a chance to earn up to 2500 bonuses!

New Bless Origin x30 server is now open! Welcome and have fun!

Not even 24 hours have passed since the opening, and we already have 2000 players online, in this regard, we are launching Subserver 1, its settings info is available here.

Update: Added crafting for top non-excellent weapons: Duranium Sword, Patrician Staff, Nightbringer, Wit of the King, Azure Dragon Blade, Wyvern's Bonespike, Wand of the Damned, Spellbinder. The cost of crafting wands for elves has been significantly increased. You can read more about the craft system on the website here.

Update: Improved the Auto-Heal function in the clicker. Now HP Potions will be used automatically when the character's HP falls below a certain percentage that the player has set. Updated default clicker settings so it works better right out of the box.

For Agility Elf added the ability to use buffs for Defense and Damage along with shooting. For Energy Elfs, players now have the ability to customize how often buffs are used. This should help in situations where some Party members did not receive the necessary buffs in time.

Mages can now use both Mana Shield and Wizardry Enhance in clicker mode.

Update: Total online on server Origin today has exceeded 3000, so we are opening Subserver 2. It's setting are completely identical to Subserver 1. Have fun!

Your wait has finally come to an end - the first and only new server on Bless this year, behold: the long-awaited low-rate Bless Origin x30! The server will be launched on the new game client that will be exclusive only to this server. The overall concept is that the server is compatible with the Empire server and is suitable for future mergers.

Long-awaited improvement in game performance - finally we have 30 FPS. The game has become much smoother and faster.

New city of Arkania, new farm zones Ruined Lorencia and Jungle Noria, updated Lorencia and new free-pvp location Swamp of Peace with the toughest quest monsters in the game.

The quest system has received a completely new task lineup along with over 60 new monsters. A total of 330 quests are already available, and this number will gradually increase with the addition of new mobs and locations to the game. And a second quest system you also need to kill certain monsters, but tasks are generated automatically depending on the strength of your character. The number of tasks in it is unlimited and various loot boxes, stones and other useful consumables are given as rewards.

New Lorencia Fortress event, where guilds compete in control of spots, and the winner receives prizes, buffs and his own fortress in Lorencia.

In addition, development begins on two more new events, Arkania Salvation and Holy Grail. Detailed information about them will appear after the launch of the server, and the introduction to the game is scheduled for this winter.

All referrals registered from today will already be valid on the new server. You can get your referral link in your personal account by logging into any of the existing servers. So, if your friends are not with us yet, then it's time to invite them to join you at the opening of our new server.

Based on the collected statistics of the Empire server, the achievement system will be updated on the new server. The tasks that caused the most difficulties for the players will become much easier to complete.

Participate in the giveaway and get a chance to win 300 bonuses on any of our projects! 10 winners will be chosen randomly on October 21st! If the number of participants will exceed 100 then there will be 20 winners.


Basic facts about our project here.
A complete list of the features of our game worlds is here.
A detailed guide to playing on our servers is here.

Detailed information about the server and the reset table can be found here.

Origin x30 server will open on October 14th at 18:00!

New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all the suggested files. During the update, all game windows should be closed.

We have added a new top-end one-handed weapon for all classes: Duranium Sword for warriors, Patrician Staff for lords, Nightbringer for elves, Azure Dragon Sword for gladiators and Wit of the King for lords.

New top shields: Duranium Shield for warriors, Patrician Shield for mages, Unicorn Shield for elves, Azure Dragon Shield for gladiators, and Peacekeeper for lords.

New two-handed weapons: Duranium Greatsword for warriors, Eternal Staff for mages, and Azure Dragon Greatsword for gladiators.

New wands for elves: Wand of the Damned and Spellbinder. Rise percentage has been slightly reduced on all wands. Also, the principle of how the elven damage buff works for DK and DL has been changed, these classes will no longer receive such a radical enhancement from the buff. Removed Totem Dragon Wand from regular drop from monsters. In the future, the craft of non-excellence wands for elves will begin with the Devilwood Branch.

New dagger - Wyvern's Bonespike.

New unique shield: Nightmare's Bane with an additional option: Enemy's Attack Return Rate + 3% (chance to return damage to the enemy, the same as on the wings).

Crafts Skeleton Staff, Skeleton Shield, Basilisk Sword, Basilisk Staff, Refined Silver Bow Spirit Sword have moved to the special craft section, where additional jewels are required for crafting, but the chance of success is higher. Also, now the item obtained in the craft can be smelted for reuse, as, for example, it was done with Dark Scale items.

Additional options have appeared or have been improved on items:
Skeleton Staff, Skeleton Shield: Increase AG & Mana +500
Basilisk Staff: Increase poison based damage + 30%
Basilisk Sword: Chance to poison a target on hit
Spirit Sword: Increase Life +7000
Doombringer: Increase First Strike damage + 20%
Nightmare's Bane: Increase Damage in Kanturu + 50%

New special craft: 3x Dragon Shield> Chaos Shield with additional options: Increase Critical Damage Rate + 10%. The success rate is 90%. A similar craft with the same option appeared for the Double Blade, from which you can get Chaos Blade.

New special craft: 2x Refined Silver Bow> True Guardian Bow with a unique option: Each Guardian item equipped absorbs 100 True Damage PvP. Success rate 75%. With a full Guardian set, you will receive 600 damage absorption, it works on the same principle as the PvP option on shields.

New special craft: Any three parts of the Divine set produce a Bow of Divinity with a unique option: Each Divine item equipped increases Life +2000. The success rate is 90%. Further, from two Bows of Divinity you can get Crossbow of Divinity with the option: Each Divine item equipped increases Life +3000. The success rate is 90%.

New crafts for non-excellent two-handed weapons:
Hero's Greatsword> Mythos Greatsword> Claymore of Dimitar> Duranium Greatsword
Greatstaff of Magicka> Emerald Staff> Dwemer Staff> Eternal Staff
Bloodreaver> Greatsword of Atlantis> Phantom Greatsword> Azure Dragon Greatsword

Warriors can now transform their Exc. Chaos Dragon Axe in Exc. Chaos Greataxe. Chaos Machine Mix Recipe: Exc. Chaos Dragon Ax + Jewel of Creation x30 + Warrior Ring of Ice + Jewel of Chaos. The cost of crafting is 500 kk Zen, the chance of success is 100%. When mixing, all options and the upgrades on the item are also saved.

Item level upgrades when melted no longer add Jewels to crafting resources on the website.

Additional options have been improved when upgrading parts of sets by + 14 + 15: Defense, HP, Excellent and Critical Damage = Grade * 2. The formula for shields has also been improved: Defense = Grade * 3, HP = Grade * 5.

Significantly reduced Energy requirements for shields and swords for Magic Gladiator. Slightly increased Command requirements for DL ​​scepters.

Due to the fact that the second Great Dragon Invasion has appeared, and the drop from Nightmare is becoming more popular, the quests with these monsters have been reversed. The final quest is now 3x Nightmare, and the Great Dragon has moved to position 240.

All Jewels selling cost changed to 1kk. Chaos 200k

The percentage of bonus withdrawals to the Empire server is now +20%!

On servers Master and Extreme, it is now possible to add the Damage Decrease option to shields and rings and the Excellent Damage Rate to weapons and pendants on the website.

All of these items have already been added to the lottery and game drop, and their characteristics can be found in our library.
As many already know, Bless has a sister project - MUX Global. This is our international server, which, thanks to last year's merger, now has a common account base with Bless. Today a new game world Luxor x1000 opens its doors there with the premiere of the global update Arkania Episode 5. The server is based on Empire x500 and has identical settings - balance, drops, economy, lottery, donate, which makes it fully compatible for future potential merges with the server Empire, or its future successor. Also, MUX Global is now connected to the zGames system - now you can withdraw your PlayPoints to MUX.

Arkania Episode 5 Part 1 update is a continuation of our global game world overhaul. This time we will have all classic locations Lorencia, Noria, Devias at the same time with their modified counterparts Ruined Lorencia, Jungle Noria and Snowstorm Devias, with Arkania staying as the capital and starting location moving back to original Lorencia. Quest System will get a completely new task layout with new monsters and locations.

And the cherry on top will be the new Lorencia Fortress Event. It will be similar to Kanturu Domination event, where guilds compete for controlling spots and the winner gets prizes, guild-buff and access to a closed location with spots. This location will be the new Fortress in Lorencia, that would be accessible from level 1 after reset and would be very valuable possession for a guild.

And finally, a little surprise of 30 FPS. So far in test mode, but it feels good already, so we invite everyone to come in and try it out. As for the Arkania concept, all summer we will be working on a sequel - Episode 5 Part 2, where there will be another new event, a second separate quest system and many new monsters, bosses and locations. And when all this is ready - this Arkania Episode 5 will appear on Bless with all our latest features and developments.

A discussion of the new server is available here, and all settings can be found here.
You can now smelt parts of the top sets in the craft system on the website: Brave, Hades, Seraphim, Phantom, Paewang. After smelting, from the resulting material, you can again create parts of the same sets. You no longer have to sell useless Brave + Mana to the store, now we have a waste-free production. The cost of crafting these sets has also been reduced.

New sets of Dark Scale and Antique Soul in the special craft section are now created from two items instead of three. The sets themselves can now also be smelted and crafted again in search of suitable options. On parts of the Dark Scale set, the amount of Damage Reflect has been increased from 1% to 2%.

All elemental jewelry can now also be smelted and from the resources obtained, new elemental rings and amulets can be created.

Now, when an item is smelted and it has upgrade levels, those levels will be credited as Jewels to your craft resources. For example if you smelt an item +13 you will get 13 jewels to your resources.

Added new craft progressions for top non-excellent weapons: Cursed Dagger> Rune Dagger> Mithril Shiv> Vowed Dagger and Totem Dragon Wand> Sleepwalker.

Additional options when upgrading Helms, Gloves, Boots to +14+15 have doubled. Shields +14 now give twice as much HP.

In Chaos Castle, you can no longer push characters with any skills or abilities, this should reduce the likelihood of characters getting into a bug at the edges of the map.

Corrected elf damage buff for Dark Lords and Dark Knights. The set values ​​are not final and will still be adjusted on live servers.

Master has been working stably for already more than three years and on the 2021 year, after several successful merges, yesterday, Master broke the absolute online record for the whole server history. Due to that, we launch a promotion for beginners, to attract even more players to our classic x1 server!

All the new characters, when created, receive +25% to experience and 2000 additional stats, which will slowly decrease up to 10 reset. And because of our simplified reset system, the first 5 resets can be done before 400 level. The system is dynamic and every few days level, required to make a reset will be slowly decreased. Now the first reset can be done on the shocking 240 level!

And the most precious for the guys, that arrived from Destiny, experience on the last reset was increased to 20%.

Also, a one-time discount to the VIP account was added to the Master server – if you newer bought VIP, the first purchase will cost you 300 bonuses instead of 500 for 30 days.

Call your friends and do not forget to use the referral reward system. You can get your referral link when you log in to your account on the website.

When your referral withdraws donate bonuses to the server, you and your referral will get an additional +10% from the transfer amount, but not more than 500 bonuses from a person. You can track how many bonuses you received from each referral on the website referrals section.

Also, we would like to announce, that reset requirements to get referral rewards will be increased. Instead of 2, 4, and 6 reset, there will be 3, 5, and 7 reset. You probably already noticed, that the most of the server online is AFK referral farms, and due to the fact that simplified reset system greatly lowered rewards receive requirements, this earning method became too popular. We have to keep in mind, that the referral system was created to attract and help new players, and not for the farming of the old ones.

Update: on the main server, new VIP arenas are added for VIP account owners. You can get there, using commands /viparena 1, /viparena 2 and viparena 3.
ИллюстрацияThe time has come, when Destiny server residents are going on long-awaited trip - Bless Destiny is merging with Bless Master. At the moment of writing this article, the Destiny server has worked already for 1 year and 188 days and Master server is an old-timer with 3 years and 95 days.

Master server was opened in December 2017 and it was the first server on x1 concept, where, Guild quests were introduced. For the Master server, it will be a second merge after a merge with Prime server in 2019. Now, Master has more than 1500 active players, which is more than 3 times bigger, than it was before the last merge. Gameworld continues to actively attract more audience and this merge should give a greater push to server development.

Players from the Destiny server will be moved to Master. Your characters with items, resets and bonuses will be transferred intact. Merge will happen on 16 March.

When merging, the maximum possible guild members will be increased to 25-30.

When merging, a new opportunity of items upgrade for bonuses to +12, +13 will be added to the Master server. Along with it, a new condition will be added, if item was upgraded using fruits once, you will not be able to use upgrade on +12+13 on this item. So players will have a choice: to risk it and upgrade in-game up to +11, and then for website bonuses, or upgrade using fruits up to +12 and then risk and upgrade up to +13 in-game. The same system we plan to implement to Extreme server.

Full information regarding all the merge details, full instructions, and recommendations are here.

New update is out! All players need to auto-update via Launcher. To get the auto-update, close the game, close the Launcher and start it again. If you have problems with an auto-update, you can manually download and install Patcher, it must be unpacked in the folder with the game client, replacing all of the suggested files. During the update, all game windows should be closed.

New items added to the regular drop from monsters: Apprentice Wand, Yearning Wand, Devilwood Branch, Totem Dragon Wand, Sleepwalker, Void Shield, Obsidian Shield, Shield of Atlantis, Shield of Betrayal, Noble Shield.

New item mixes in the Chaos Machine, which, by analogy with Dragonbone Blade, have their own unique options. When created, items retain all additional options and improvements of the original item, but there is a 30% chance that the item will lose from 1 to 3 upgrade levels.

Dragon Crystal Staff - Increase Damage to Epic Bosses + 30% - increases damage to such bosses as Death King, Nightmare, Erohim, Relics of Kundun, Great Dragon, Asteroth, Balgass, Queen of the Damned.

Heaven's Divider - Every second comes without penalty - every time you kill someone, there is a 50% chance that your PK status will not increase.

Doombringer - First Strike Damage Damage + 10% - Increases the Magic Gladiator's trait when its first strike on new target deals increased damage.

All recipes and parameters for new items can be explored in our library.

Elves can now transform their Exc. Wild Nature Bow at Exc. Wild Nature Crossbow. Chaos Machine Mix Recipe: Exc. Chaos Nature Bow + Jewel of Creation x30 + Wild Ring of Magic + Jewel Chaos. The cost of crafting is 500 kk Zen, the chance of success is 100%. When brewing, all options and item enchant are also saved.

A new section of special crafts added to the craft system on the website. One item is created out of three but it will require additional resources, such as expensive jewels and feathers. The chance of a successful craft is 90% instead of the usual 50%.

Dark Scale Set - сreated from parts of the Scale set. Each item has an additional option Reflect Damage + 1%.

Antique Soul Set - сreated from parts of the Grand Soul set. Each item has an additional option: Max Mana Shield Absorb + 1%. With full set you will exceed the maximum absorbency of Mana Shield from 30% to 35%. And of course, the old-school glow of the set from the 97th version, the oldies will understand.

Non-Excellent versions of top weapons added to the craft system on the website: Obsidian Blade, Staff of Atlantis, Demon Hunter's Crossbow, Saber of Atlantis, and Scepter of Atlantis.

The formula for the SD Recovery skill for elves has been changed, the influence of the Mana parameter has been added, the new formula looks like this: SD Amount Recovered = Energy / 16 + Mana / 16. The amount of regenerated SD will also be affected by the percentage of Buff Power Rise from Wands.

More adjustments to Red Dragon Invasion. The event now works like this: at the appointed time in the specified location, 15 red dragons appear in random locations throughout the map. If you kill these dragons, then after 30 seconds each killed dragon will appear again on the same map, but at new coordinates. The event lasts 5 minutes, while red dragons fly across the sky. The faster players hunt them, the greater the total amount of their respawns will be.

Minimum points required to get access to Kanturu Arena on the Kanturu Domination event increased from 1000 to 2000.

Updated anti-cheat, there should be fewer false bans for supposed jewel dupes in Chaos Machine.