

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 15% komisijas procentu.

Atrastie priekšmeti: 3240
Armors Exc. Light Plate Armor 161 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Scale Gloves 138 kk Zen
Boots Exc. Scale Boots 161 kk Zen
Items Vicious Ring of Earth 5 Bon
Helms Exc. Light Plate Helm 115 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Wind Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Maces Primera Shining Scepter +9 230 Bon
Helms Primera Glorious Helm +9 230 Bon
Pants Primera Glorious Pants +9 230 Bon
Armors Primera Glorious Armor +9 230 Bon
Pants Elvian Wind Pants 57.5 kk Zen
Other Jewel of Ancient Harmony 6 Bon
Swords Exc. Sword of Betrayal 5 Bon
Armors Exc. Dragon Knight Armor 5 Bon
Swords Exc. Dark Reign Blade 5 Bon
Wings Scroll of Fire Scream 5 Bon
Helms Exc. Bone Helm 57.5 kk Zen
Armors Argo Spirit Armor +9 30 Bon
Helms Exc. Bronze Helm 115 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Plate Gloves 230 kk Zen
Pants Exc. Wind Pants 172.5 kk Zen
Helms Mist Bronze Helm 115 kk Zen
Boots Emp Spirit Boots +9 30 Bon
Helms Emp Spirit Helm +9 30 Bon
Helms Exc. Wind Helm 57.5 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Adamantine Armor 138 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Light Plate Gloves 138 kk Zen
Helms Exc. Bronze Helm 57.5 kk Zen
Wings Green Ribbon Box 5 Bon
Wings Green Ribbon Box 5 Bon
Wings Green Ribbon Box 5 Bon
Wings Green Ribbon Box 5 Bon
Armors Exc. Dark Scale Armor 10 Bon
Items Dark Horse 9 Bon
Swords Exc. Imperial Sword 10 Bon
Maces Exc. PvP Battle Scepter +15 230 Bon
Swords Exc. PvP Daikatana +12 115 Bon
Helms Exc. Black Dragon Helm 6 Bon
Wings Jewel of Guardian x10 14 Bon
Boots Exc. Bone Boots 28.75 kk Zen
Scrolls Scroll of Wizardry Enhance 5 Bon
Gloves Exc. Brass Gloves 253 kk Zen
Helms Exc. Brass Helm 253 kk Zen
Swords Exc. Kris 230 kk Zen
Scrolls Scroll of Gigantic Storm 5 Bon
Boots Exc. Scale Boots 138 kk Zen
Boots Elvian Wind Boots +9 30 Bon
Pants Exc. Leather Pants 92 kk Zen
Other Jewel of Ancient Harmony 5 Bon
Swords Exc. PvP Hero's Greatsword +13 230 Bon

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme