

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 15% komisijas procentu.

Exc. Bloodreaver +12 Guerra 200 Bon 23.12.2024 12:00
Exc. Arrows Kisses 400 Bon 23.12.2024 16:00
Exc. Ring of Ice +12 Goodman 1000 Bon 23.12.2024 19:00
Exc. Mithril Shiv +13 Test 129 Bon 23.12.2024 23:00
Exc. Bone Blade +12 Test 1000 Bon 23.12.2024 23:00

Atrastie priekšmeti: 5323
Other 1 kkk Zen 38 Bon
Other 1 kkk Zen 38 Bon
Other 1 kkk Zen 38 Bon
Boots Exc. Guardian Boots 35 Bon
Armors Exc. Dark Phoenix Armor 23 Bon
Boots Exc. Titan Boots 46 Bon
Pants Exc. Legendary Pants 58 Bon
Other 500 kk Zen 20 Bon
Armors Exc. Silk Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Items Scroll of Archangel +7 34.5 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Buckler 28.75 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Bronze Gloves 28.75 kk Zen
Maces Exc. Yearning Wand 28.75 kk Zen
Pants Exc. Vine Pants 10 Bon
Items Invisibility Cloak +6 57.5 kk Zen
Boots Exc. Brass Boots 28.75 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Spiked Shield 28.75 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Plate Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Dragon Slayer Shield 28.75 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Bronze Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Helms Rave Plate Helm 109.25 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Brass Armor 23 Bon
Other Box of Kundun +4 115 kk Zen
Other Box of Kundun +4 115 kk Zen
Other Violet Mistery Box 5 Bon
Other Violet Mistery Box 5 Bon
Bows Exc. Bluewing Crossbow 7 Bon
Boots Exc. Wind Boots 5 Bon
Wings Wings of Dragon +7 23 Bon
Boots Exc. Leather Boots 28.75 kk Zen
Pants Exc. Thunder Hawk Pants 23 Bon
Other 120 kk Zen 6 Bon
Armors Exc. Dragon Knight Armor +11 58 Bon
Boots Exc. Dark Phoenix Boots 23 Bon
Other 120 kk Zen 6 Bon
Swords Exc. Duranium Sword +9 230 Bon
Other 120 kk Zen 6 Bon
Items Exc. Ring of Magic 460 Bon
Bows Exc. Arrows 58 Bon
Pants Akki Eclipse Pants 52 Bon
Boots Exc. Light Plate Boots 12 Bon
Gloves Akki Eclipse Gloves 52 Bon
Boots Storm Crow Boots +13 28.75 kk Zen
Wings Jewel of Goldsmith x10 75 Bon
Pants Warrior Leather Pants 368 kk Zen
Helms Apollo Pad Helm 368 kk Zen
Helms Apollo Pad Helm 368 kk Zen
Gloves Ceto Vine Gloves 368 kk Zen
Boots Exc. Dark Steel Boots 17 Bon
Pants Crusted Ashcrow Pants 345 kk Zen

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme