

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 15% komisijas procentu.

Exc. Rune Dagger +13 voltah 80 Bon 03.01.2025 23:00
Exc. PvP Infernal Steel Shield +13 -TheBlue- 1483 Bon 04.01.2025 06:00
Exc. PvP Spectral Barrier +15 yhyhdf 1500 WBon 04.01.2025 20:00
Exc. Bone Helm +13 Scale13DDR 175 Bon 04.01.2025 21:00

Atrastie priekšmeti: 5749
Gloves Golden Glorious Gloves 46 Bon
Helms Primera Glorious Helm 46 Bon
Gloves Shaned Dark Steel Gloves 10 Bon
Gloves Shaned Dark Steel Gloves 10 Bon
Pants Shaned Dark Steel Pants 10 Bon
Boots Exc. Valiant Boots 230 kk Zen
Boots Darkside Adamantine Boots 5 Bon
Pants Darkside Adamantine Pants +1 6 Bon
Items Cape of Lord 230 kk Zen
Boots Sati Iris Boots 10 Bon
Boots Loki Valiant Boots 345 kk Zen
Gloves Akki Eclipse Gloves 10 Bon
Boots Aces Eclipse Boots 345 kk Zen
Gloves Shaned Dark Steel Gloves 10 Bon
Helms Talia Iris Helm 10 Bon
Gloves Exc. Adamantine Gloves 115 kk Zen
Items Blood Bone +7 575 kk Zen
Items Blood Bone +7 575 kk Zen
Items Scroll of Archangel +7 575 kk Zen
Items Scroll of Archangel +7 575 kk Zen
Other Pink Mistery Box 5 Bon
Swords Exc. Sword of Destruction 6 Bon
Boots Exc. Iris Boots +12 9 Bon
Gloves Exc. Iris Gloves +12 9 Bon
Maces Exc. Totem Dragon Wand +13 58 Bon
Helms Exc. Guardian Helm 12 Bon
Pants Exc. Iris Pants +12 115 Bon
Helms Exc. Wind Helm +11 17 Bon
Armors Exc. Wind Armor +11 17 Bon
Gloves Exc. Wind Gloves +11 17 Bon
Swords Exc. Sword of Destruction +7 12 Bon
Pants Exc. Hurricane Pants 12 Bon
Pants Exc. Dragon Knight Pants 35 Bon
Gloves Exc. Dragon Knight Gloves 35 Bon
Helms Exc. Dragon Knight Helm +13 4,945 Bon
Armors Exc. Dragon Knight Armor +13 4,945 Bon
Boots Exc. Dragon Knight Boots +13 4,945 Bon
Pants Exc. Dragon Knight Pants +13 4,945 Bon
Gloves Exc. Dragon Knight Gloves +13 4,945 Bon
Other Green Mistery Box 58 Bon
Items Exc. Pendant of Fire +12 115 Bon
Items Feather of Condor 299 Bon
Gloves Hyperion Bronze Gloves +10 46 Bon
Wings Wings of Storm +13 1,265 Bon
Wings Cape of Emperor +13 1,208 Bon
Armors Empire Dark Master Armor +11 1,725 Bon
Boots Empire Dark Master Boots +11 1,725 Bon
Gloves Empire Dark Master Gloves +11 1,725 Bon
Pants Empire Dark Master Pants +11 1,725 Bon
Helms Empire Dark Master Helm +11 1,725 Bon

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme