The new Vegas x777 server took place on March 28th!
Latest update patcher is always available here for download!
Register and receive a full-reset character with buffs as a gift!
Solving problems with the new protection of the game Liveguard here!

Website now features a safe game account disconnect function. It is useful in cases when you left the game client on other computer, for example, at work, and cannot log in to your character from another computer. Cost of this service is 10 bonuses. We would also like to remind you that your account cannot freeze in the game in any way. If you see the message - Account is already connected, this can only mean that your account is online on some computer somewhere else.

Expansion of guild management capabilities. Assistant GM now can accept new members into guild. Currently it works using the command /guild, but in the next update, it will work using the client interface.

Fixed a problem with Refining Stones and +14 +15 items. Now you will be unable to accidently downgrade the maximum possible Harmony upgrade. As well, an issue where items with +11 upgrade level and above could downgrade to +6 is now corrected.

Kalima map can no longer be used in Devias, in order to stop temptation to block access bridges during the events. Also removed restriction to attack characters below level 6. This feature in fact was no longer relevant, and only created opportunities for various fraudulent manipulations.

Protection from using macros for kill achievement in Bless Arena. Now with the death in BA PvP zone there is a small chance that you will be teleported to Devias.

Owners of VIP accounts can now take Elf Soldier Buff up to the 300 level.

The next update will have mandatory fix of a hanging after death in Chaos Castle bug.
Our server is now participating in the international rating of gaming projects You can find your voting button in the personal area when logging on the website. You can vote twice a day and for every vote you will receive 10 Cash Points. Voting is not included in the rankings or achievements, but also it does not require any quests to be completed.

We have updated Party experience allocation system. To receive additional bonus experience all members in a party should have different character classes:
- Bronze: 3 classes and 110% experience for each
- Silver: 4 classes and 120% experience for each
-Gold: 5 classes and 130% experience for each
Bundle with DK DW ELF is no longer the only relevant combination. Bonus party can be created by any character classes, for example MG DL DK its already a Bronze party. It means, that all classes now will be equally demanded.

Guild Buff has been improved, now the buff allocation between members looks as follows: GM 100%, AGM 80%, BM 60%, Members 40%. New parameter Experience Gain, it increases all incoming experience. More information about special guild abilities can be found here.

We have adjusted the loot system in order to cope with an immense attack speed of players. It should eradicate the cases when you kill a boss, but do not get a prize. We hope that now we can say farewell to the false bosses. Abnormal Zen piles are also managed, no more Zen bugs. And please, there is no need to shout, we know, White Wizards are next to be fixed.

In order to increase performance all unnecessary loot in Blood Castle and Devil Square has been removed. Only Jewels of Chaos, Bless, Soul, Life, Creation and Excellent items can be dropped there.

Our green friend Jerridon that restores Harmony options from items is now capable of removing Jewel of Life option from wings. It will useful, if instead of Additional Damage you prefer HP recovery, or vice versa.

You can now upgrade Wings of Conqueror and Devil & Angel wings for +14+15 in Goblin Chaos Machine. We are not sure that there will be people brave enough, but nevertheless the possibility of burning the most expensive items in the game is now present.
Great news for our Dark Lords we have fixed the existing problems with Crown Switch on Castle Siege for this class. Now they can become legitimate lord-owners of the Valley of Loren castle. Moreover, let us not forget, that Dark Lord is the only character in the game that can have up to 80 people in his guild and claim the highest Guild Buff in the Game. In the future, we are going to further develop leadership qualities of this character.

The rule that forbids killing elves that are connected to the altar during Crywolf event is revoked. Instead, all incoming PvP damage to them is reduced by 90%, that makes killing elves on the altars a very challenging task. We are waiting for your suggestions on how the Cywolf Fortress status may affect the game world.

Good old Battle Soccer is finally back in the game. To challenge a guild to a soccer match you need to write a command /battlesoccer guildname. Only members that are in a party with a guild master will participate in match. Have fun!
Bonuses return 02.04.16
Weve got a new service on our website. It allows you to return the items that you have bought in the shop on the website. You will receive 50% of their initial cost in bonuses. Items must be located on the first page of your game vault. Items must be bought from your account on the current server. Service is available on the website in section Services > Operations with game currency > Bonuses return.
Online shop got the following changes:

- Increased the price of Golden Fenrir and 3rd Lvl Wings
- Weakened features of PVP Wings, Fenrirs, Rings, Pendants and greatly lowered their prices.
- PVP Jewellery: Rings & Pendants has been added shop on Low server

Top PVP items have become more balanced and affordable.
We moved to a new data center. In order to get into the game all players need to download and install Bless Patcher . There will be no automatic auto-update. In the Files section we have also updated full client, it already has all the necessary patches.

Download: Rapidshare, Yandex, Google.
Client Update 19.02.13
Game Client has been updated. All players must download Bless Patcher and install it in the game folder. Without it, you wont be able to enter the game.
Due to the loss of popularity and the lack of interest from the players, it was decided to make a complete reboot of the High x1000 server.

New server will get plenty of new, interesting features: new reset and grand system, custom quest system, new economy, balance and dynamic experience system.

High Server will be opened on the 21 of February.

Information about donate refund can be found here.